NDE: He saw a great war approaching | Near Death Experience

NDE: He saw a great war approaching | Near Death Experience
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#nde #neardeathexperiences #neardeath #otherside
NDE: Today we are going to know the story of Jorge Abrantes, he says that he talked to a spiritual council and saw that a great war is approaching. Near Death Experience.


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About the Author: NDE - Beyond Life


  1. No war is coming. Humanity must continue to Ascende. Our DNA received upgrades through Light Codes. We now have the Tools necessary to evolve beyond this low density Earth

  2. Russian invasion of Ukraine is just the beginning of a big war. We are already in the WW3 with America is the main beneficiary of people suffering.
    Famine, total bank system collapse, 7 years of a very difficult totalitarian regime worldwide. NWO. Antichrist.
    Than 1000 years of amazing life when Christ came back on this Earth.
    Repent when it's still time…

  3. Funny how someone sees a great war coming after the Great war is already obviously coming. if he had this experience years ago why didn't he mention it before the Ukraine conflict? hmmm

  4. Time to get manifesting. If we send out love to to collective we can always change our outcome. There are always many different outcomes to a situation. We can change the path by manifesting with love and sending good vibes. Let's not focus of fear. Let's focus on love instead.🙏

  5. Unfortunately it looks like we will be going to war. Just feels like a pull in that direction. What a shame! Humanity still hasn’t figured it out

  6. I keep hearing about a peaceful world without social classes because humans have evolved. What about the psychopaths and narcissists who are in charge of so much of business, media, government, entertainment, high society, etc.? Are they going to disappear? They have no interest in the entire planet moving forward because they have all or nothing thinking as part of their psycho-pathology.

  7. If we are to believe his story as told. Then we are at that precipice already. Russia + Ukraine . + US destroying the pipe line. = WW3.

  8. This validates that humans are experiencing they're own timeline so some live in free…and greed and others in love and kindness. The ladder is where we must all work towards…..unity of all as equals…respecting one another etc…..this is how yo create a New Aliance of like minded people that are the forerunners in creating this peaceful existence 🙌

  9. We will have true peace in this beautiful world that Almighty God has given to us, When King Jesus comes to reign for 1000 years, the millinean reign of Christ on Earth 🌍, then the lion will lie with the lamb, and nothing will hurt again in my holy ⛰ mountain saith the Lord. Winifred Thompson. Northern Ireland.

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