Superdog Brushes Off Another Near-Death Experience Collapse Chronicles — October 15, 2022 13 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist Sorry, chippies, but there is no rest for the wicked Superdog… source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Oh such a relief!! Go Sancho! This is ultimately what matters most for us all … ❤️I’m grateful that your dear friend is still very much with you!
Sancho is definitely better than a cat, in every way! And, it does look likeparadise. what's up with the truck stuff? Free man yet? 😊
Oh such a relief!! Go Sancho!
This is ultimately what matters most for us all … ❤️
I’m grateful that your dear friend is still very much with you!
Oh good, glad to see Sancho getting around!
Sancho's bounced back
All they all lived happily ever after.
Glad to see that Sancho made a speedy recovery!
Even a chipmunk would give a thumbs up for this video
Getting a Pavilion sir? and its Thursday.
underdog,,,,, thank goodness,,,,
He looks chipmunk ready!
Be careful with Sancho
Well I cried over this😢
Sancho is definitely better than a cat, in every way! And, it does look like
paradise. what's up with the truck stuff? Free man yet?