What is Climate Change? | Start Here

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The hard facts about global warming – a defining issue of our time.
Climate change is happening now, and even world leaders meeting for climate talks at this year’s Cop25 know we aren’t doing enough to stop it.
In fact, we’re going backwards. The UN says carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere are going up, and the earth is on track to warm by 3.2 degrees before the century is over. The consequences of that acceleration are already proving disastrous for communities around the world.
This week’s episode of Start Here cuts through the science and the politics, to get you what you need to know about what’s at stake for the planet.

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About the Author: Al Jazeera English


  1. My problem is one. Draughts in some areas floods in others. Cold weather in one area heatwaves in others. There is no consistency. What is causing draughts in one area cannot be what is causing floods in others it just does not make sense. Yes we need to get away from fossil fuels but solar power is not the way as it is extremely carbon heavy to manufacture. Nuclear is the best option but no one is willing to accept it. Untill politics are removed from this issue I cannot support it

  2. At risk of sounding dumb, and I promise I don't want to argue I just want to expand on my opinion… Why is all the pressure of reducing and "changing our ways" put on individuals? Why can't more regulation and pressure be placed on the industries? I understand the math that if we all eat less meat, it would help. But wouldn't it be so much easier to provide less meat? I'm not saying to control and take options away completely, but most humans don't care enough to make a change on their own so why don't we just make the decision easier. Example… Starbucks switched their lids so they don't have to give out plastic straws. Sure, some people still ask for a straw but a lot of people, myself included, just got used to the new lid and don't think anything of it anymore.

  3. Expert says true that global warming are rising by human activities because now a days people wants to go in a short way they are using such as thing which are doing emit a lot of pollution like industries car fossil fuels coal etc people have been cutting a lot of trees by which we are losing our clean environment our natural resources have been finishing. All these gases release into the air that's why it is called effected green House gases. after releasing all these gases into the air heat temperature rise then the sea level growup due to the reason of heat the chances of flood might be grown up

  4. Scientifically too much carbon in the air, we absorb them and block some neurons in the brain. So we trend to become more retarded as we pollute our self. The too much heat and crops yield decreases then we malnourished our self and become even more retarded. How can we save our self while our brain is carbon slow downed. Nature will reboot earth, she has done that 5 time already with mass extinction. we reboot our computer too, you get the idea. That rat you hate so much will evolve once the planet has been rebooted. To become so sophisticated to our level if not the dinosaur level.

  5. Leaders are geting together? to slow it down??? The climate crisis? what crisis???? Go outside what crisis??? AND did they FIND how to slow it down??? HOW??? Your asssholessneess?

  6. carry out an experiment of 11 air fillled glass chambers with thermocouples in and datalogged to a pc to record the air temperature every minute for 24 hours. first chamber should contain 0.00% co2, the second 0.01% co2, the third 0.02% co2, the fourth 0.03% co, the fith 0.04% co2, the sixth 0.05% co2, the seventh 0.06% co2, the eighth 0.07% co2, the nineth 0.08% co2, the tenth 0.09% co2and the 11th 0.10% co2. all equidistant from a heat source while their contents temperatures are recorded every minute
    if there is a corelation in data, then we can conclude that co2 does infact influence air temperature and all high school students from around the world can carry out the experiment to confirm the case for co2 without arguments. otherwise all those locked up in prisons around the world on corruption, fraud and theft charges should be released back into society.

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