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VIDEO INTRODUCTION: The united kingdom is witnessing one of the worst economic crises in its history!! and the Russian gas cuts have triggered such a catastrophe for the UK economy that now inflation has touched a 40-year high at 9.9%, energy bills have shot up by almost 100% in spite of capping and most importantly, the pound has become one of the worst performing currencies, with its value dropping by 24 % against the dollar!! On top of that, the newly elected prime minister has come up with something called the Mini budget that further triggered a disaster such that, its now snowballing from an energy crisis, into a debt crisis, into a housing crisis, into a currency crisis and may be even a banking crisis!!
The question, is what is so terribly wrong about the Uk that its economy has turned into such a disaster?
How is this mini-budget triggering an economic catastrophe?
and most importantly, as students of business what are the study materials to help you understand this economic crisis in the united kingdom?
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✅Study Materials:
What will happen to a car with two drivers?
In the UK, the two drivers are the government and the central bank, and the car is the UK's economy. pic.twitter.com/tjYX092v1F
— anshul gupta (@anshgupta64) October 1, 2022
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Guaranteed job in Data analyst:- https://bit.ly/3y6v5Jk
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can you explain investor pessimism due to increased bond rates leading to currency depreciation
You told this in your earlier videos and I saw them when you posted thise. Your predictions got right.
Our Politicians have been destroying OUR Country for years. Every topic has been drained to dirt, Crime,Standards,Immigration, giving away our Gold,Cars, ship-building etc. DESTROYING our Country.
Odd aint it. I thought the Tories would throw a couple of million of their illegal entrants out. But heres a far cheaper way of doing it. Turn off the heating. I wonder how many will realise they were better off in the homellands, where they had to work for an income. Freeze them out says Truss. And off go a couple of million , saying better to work for a living and be warm, than freeze to death free ofcharge.
Karma is a real bitch😂
If the Tories carry on like this, tbeyll soon be running lotteries on whose next for pm post. Unless the public get off their fat arses.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer government
Thieves going bank rupt. What a joke.
I learn so much from you I don’t need to go school
All is fine, but Charles gets hisoney from taxation that a two bedroom person pays?
Wonderful . How did the UK pop up Arvind Kejriwal . But don't worry the US needs a poodle and they will take care . Afterall who will do all the bidding in the energy war . We have a great poet , his name is Kalidasa . He chopped off the branch on which he was sitting , and you know the rest . Liz Truss undergoes the effects of Kalidasa Syndrome .
Would England adopt more renewable energy production? And adopt impor ts from Morocco?
Seize the assets of the z monarchy use it to stabilize UK economy
Russia did not initiate the weaponisation of energy. It was EUK who sanctioned it. Once you analyse this clearly, it puts the responsibility (i.e. ability to respond) back in our hands. Blaming Russia gives away our power. You can’t solve a problem unless you see its causes clearly. Other than that, useful video.
“Abbey National” I think that changed to simply “Abbey” several decades ago. Good to see you’re on the money.
After robbing whole world ,now Britain is on on its way toward bankruptcy in 20th century.
Congratulation! Killed Or To Be Killed.Thanks Fully
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Saddam Hussain dreams comes alive through Putin and Chinese Sydney Australia
Russia not bankrupting the UK it's the w e f
In America and Europe the Robinhood effect will it these countries. Good Luck
Nicely explained
We r finish thAnks to Conservative party
UK made 180 billion with oil and gas import by private company UK made money for outside private company when uk could have had loads of gas and oil this winter and lizz give many new company license so UK will get used again.. death of the pound and dollar is coming
who is poor in UK .. their minimum cost of wage per hour is 11.05 pound per . So it is not a big matter to them .What is the minimum labour cost of India and how much is the elecricity cost . seems he is trying to justify the modis policy . Nothing is going to happen for UK .Israel and Lebanon had came to an agreement in the sea border and soon Israel will starts its gas production in their border and can supply to the whole european nations .That will helps whole european nations and no need to depend upon on Russia for gas.
I don't think Russia caused the British trouble. Our stupid government did what it was told by the USA. No we brought all this mess on to ourselves.
This is primarily caused by covid . Russia was secondary. Truss just bad governance.
So the big shots who were lecturing India are going bankrupt !!!
Well done, that explains a lot but i already knew Europe and the UK shot themselves in the foot by sanctioning Russia
When did India start the variant model ?
Spent all their money on war.
In typical fashion of failing empires, Britain is hell bent on pushing others down by hook or crook to ride over others. It will not work.
So will this move in UK re price cap help businesses grow or is it a smoke screen to line the pocket of the mega wealthy?
They looted $ 7trillion + from India over 200 years…and in just 75 years they f-ed up their economy…that talks volumes about the quality of the British brain 😂😂😂😂
he keeps going on and on..simplify it further..summarize..testing our patience