Epic Construction Fails | Expensive Fails Compilation | FailArmy

Epic Construction Fails | Expensive Fails Compilation | FailArmy
Spread The Viralist

I don’t think so, Tim. ►►► Submit your videos for the chance to be featured 🔗 https://www.failarmy.com/pages/submit-video ▼ Follow us for more fails! https://linktr.ee/failarmy
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About the Author: FailArmy


  1. Many of these clips should not even be included as they are obvious setups and end as intended. 🫤 Though the rest are quite amusing. 😊

  2. I don´t like to see people get hurt…so I just LOVED to hear a "HAHAHA" from the guy, who fell so…graceful from the ladder! Hope he´s doing fine! Well done, Mister! 🙂

  3. Ive got a new drinking game. You show that first few frames and stop it let everyone guess a country. You may need to make florida a country for this. Losers drink. I've got a feeling randomly saying florida, brazil, mexico, or china would give you 50-50 odds easily

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