30 Terrifying Moments When Hyenas Become Prey | Animal Fights
Surrounded by a mighty army….
Killed by the lion king………….
The hyena is one of the most reckless animals in Africa and also the most predatory. Therefore, they often encounter unnecessary attacks, many of them even resulting in death. Now, please join the Hawk to discover “30 terrifying moments when hyenas become prey”…….
A clan of wild dogs……animal fights
A mighty army…….
2 hyenas must step back and hide in the tree to avoid attack from all sides, very smart, right?
Will these wild dogs win?
This hyena was killed…
Hyenas…..animal fights
While enjoying a meal of fresh meat, wild dogs appeared in large numbers.
Will the hyenas be the next prey?
Having been reinforced, the hyena is more confident to complete its party.
Wandering around death………….animal fights
The hyena has not yet realized the problem it is about to face.
The fatal stab that took its life.
A tough battle….animal fights
Two fellows are fighting for the right to join the new clan.
The leading female hyena ordered one male to fight others.
The winner will be joined and the loser will have to die. If they don’t want to die, they will choose to flee.
Despite running away, the hyena still brought the delicious food with it. But immediately, it was chased by a pack of wild dogs to steal the meal.
Five wild dogs joined the fight, causing the hyena to scream in fear.
Wild dogs then turn hyena into prey….!
Struggling with a lot of wild dogs alone, the hyena then has lost its prey
Lonely hyena…………. infiltrated the territory of wild dogs to hunt.
These 4 hunters are attacking a powerful thief.
It will definitely die if it doesn’t run away quickly.
Inclosed…….animal fights
The mother buffalo begs the help of other tourists when facing the strength of the hyenas…
Powerful, but somewhat confused………….
No comrades……….
Not a lion……
It is a hyena………….animal fights
Its strength is not so superior to that of a wild dog, so it is being attacked by an entire corporation.
The poor hyena was managing in despair, not even being able to run away.
There is only 1 meal….
But there are 2 enemies fighting for………….
Leopards and hyenas are constantly tugging their prey, each wanting more portion for themselves.animal fights
In the end, the leopard gave up…….
Not wanting to share the meal with anyone, the hyena was brutally attacked by wild dogs and had to run away.
Frequent conflicts…
Two of the most powerful armies in Africa continuously fought for food. And hyenas are always the beginning of every fight.
The hyena is releasing its heat in the water when there are animals which like to cause trouble.
Due to their unfriendly disposition, hyenas become enemies of other hunters.animal fights
Did not have enough time to react…
This large lion attacked the hyena and mercilessly bit it…
Surrounded by a mighty army……The Lion King was fearless.
00:00 animal fights
00:40 hyenas fight
01:15 lion kills hyena
02:25 fighting hyenas
04:32 buffalo vs hyena
07:10 lion vs hyena
10:00 hyena kills lion
12:00 hyenas fight with animals
Beat playlist: https://bit.ly/3BX6TdC
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3vPaet1
This Video researched by: Jamison Mayer DDS
Address: 093 Schiller Junction Suite 767 Deborahfurt, NV 19847
Geographic coordinates: 62.971989,-155.543882
Mother’s maiden name: Rempel
Date 1996-07-21
Age 26 years old
The Hawk does not fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect.
We use under: Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “Fair Use” is permitted for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research.
For any commercial/general/copyright inquiries
contact: animalsfightusa@gmail.com
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A "herd" of hyenas? Really? Please update your narration! It's like English is a second language for the writers…quite annoying really. Do better… ~Abi PureBlood
Terrifying Moments
It's so hard to hear you so just shut up or learn how to keep the music low or better yet no music
Esses bichos não precisa nem existir
hyenas they are often bitten by lions
Tarzan woomm Danger Animal
very good animal fights video
That all must've been starving to snack on a hyena
The third lion is a silent partner. Doesn’t want to munch on that. On the killing definitely.
To the people who didn't understand that lion was already dead because of diseases, not from hyenas
Them cats are gonna get worms…
Wow, so rare to see a lion ripped apart as food
big cats are animals that eat someone who intentionally injures them
I thought the 3rd lion was a vegetarian.
Could anyone pleas3 tell what happened to the golden mane majinglane lion?
What’s wrong with the lion that’s not eating?
The hyena had to get the lion's scent all over him so he could run back to the pack lying about how he just killed a
The dispensing of slow brutality by ANY animal(s) on ANY ‘laughing hound of hell’ is well worth the viewing!
Wow the leopard didn't take the hyena up a tree because it knows no one is interested in that nasty meal