Wow cheap shot a old man I would’ve shot that dude
White people don't have any rights in China🤭☺️ the police just want to get him off the street before the lawyers show up🤕 they don't even call an ambulance 🚑 or arrest the man who hit him 🤭 that was a kill blow to a man that old 😳 but no arrest! And these allegations that the old man was threatening with a knife and using his car as a weapon I think it's a bunch of bull crap🤥 first of all if he lives in China he knows better than to do something like that🙄 and besides where's that? nobody's seen that! I didn't see that 🤔 anybody else see that? no! That's just bad people making excuses for bad people! Whatever you do don't ever go to China!! As a Caucasian you have no rights there! And they'll abduct you and sell your body for parts 🤕
4:12 is kinda crazy, I’m assuming the guy holding the kid kicked the guys car. In my position I would just get out of the car and try and quickly get inside his head to get him to let go of the child and than I’d kick his ass. I would never hit a person holding a child that’s crazy. Fighting is crazy by itself already but also a man has to learn his lesson he can’t just be walking around damaging peoples property.
2:35 that’s fucked up don’t hit and elderly person no matter what. They are way more likely to be injured
Dont do stupid things in other peoples’ countries 😊
I love how pussies always say, "it's not worth it". Maybe you don't have value, but it's always worth it for me.
Watching Okaka lay that dude out was pretty great
What country has kids and dirtbikes in the club? That place is lit!
That lil girl gave him a balloon 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
A black bimbo wants equal rights with a male? Odd.
Do Asians only fight old people or white drunks?
The racists with Asians is hilarious
@1.55 mins definitely a peek nonse
5:37 why he look like Woody from Toy Story
Wow cheap shot a old man I would’ve shot that dude
White people don't have any rights in China🤭☺️ the police just want to get him off the street before the lawyers show up🤕 they don't even call an ambulance 🚑 or arrest the man who hit him 🤭 that was a kill blow to a man that old 😳 but no arrest! And these allegations that the old man was threatening with a knife and using his car as a weapon I think it's a bunch of bull crap🤥 first of all if he lives in China he knows better than to do something like that🙄 and besides where's that? nobody's seen that! I didn't see that 🤔 anybody else see that? no! That's just bad people making excuses for bad people! Whatever you do don't ever go to China!! As a Caucasian you have no rights there! And they'll abduct you and sell your body for parts 🤕
When he punched the old man that was a bit much
The best one 2:38
what the girl at the end doing lol
All these kidds around a fight, that's really f*cked up! Typical in Asia! Bravo parents and grown ups! 🖕
03:00 hahahahaha
Thai hero
The girl crying at 45 seconds 😂
Wow! What an opener! They both won their fights!
4:12 is kinda crazy, I’m assuming the guy holding the kid kicked the guys car. In my position I would just get out of the car and try and quickly get inside his head to get him to let go of the child and than I’d kick his ass. I would never hit a person holding a child that’s crazy. Fighting is crazy by itself already but also a man has to learn his lesson he can’t just be walking around damaging peoples property.
2:35 that’s fucked up don’t hit and elderly person no matter what. They are way more likely to be injured
Dont do stupid things in other peoples’ countries 😊
I love how pussies always say, "it's not worth it". Maybe you don't have value, but it's always worth it for me.
Watching Okaka lay that dude out was pretty great
What country has kids and dirtbikes in the club? That place is lit!
That lil girl gave him a balloon 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
3:10 is he police or pizza delivery guy?
1:32 the girl threw the ballon at him lol
The last girl a hero fr
The little girl covering him in balloons.
GOD bless
2:41 that man is fuckin dead
Asians being Saitama
At about 5:45 in the video, I liked watching the white chump get knocked out by the chop stick guy hahah
Last video
1:23 All was perfect music hit and punch lol
Should I stay or should go and if u sey that you are mineee and then I can’t more lol 😂
the guy in the red shirt got knocked out by a 25% power punch lol slow but accurate lol Good Stuffs!
4:21 Yoo bro turned ultra instinct
5:36 hes smiling
1:47 lmao the kid throw a balloon on him
If you want to feel better after watching the old man get ko by that much younger tough guy lol. Watch Romper Stomper it's a beautiful movie 🙂
Put some health bars on the screen and then you gotta show! 😃
1:46 she threw the balloon on him LMAO
2:37 coward bastard. poor old man doesn't even know what's going on
What you guys didnt see is that old man threaten that young thai guy with a big knife.