Sometimes the worst of Mother Nature brings out the best in humans. 🤝
RELATED VIDEO » Stranded cat rescued by human during hurricane: https://youtube.com/shorts/MVk_1LEH5Ak
While Hurricane Ian was battering Florida with rain, wind, and flood waters, humans all over the area were helping strangers and animals to safety.
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People ignoring the mandatory evacuation alerts and waiting until it gets too bad and THEN try try to leave, put first responders and others at risk when they have to go save them. All these rescuers should have statues instead of a memorial for the people who died, ignoring the orders.
What were you doing there to begin with? You knew, well in advance, that a CAT 4 was coming AND your were told this BUT YOU KNEW BETTER. You could have just driven away! Cost to leave: 1 tank of gas Causalities=0. Cost to stay? Billions: to fish your out, to feed and water you in place… Causality= Unimaginable.
Many climate refugees..
God Bless those hero’s and all the others we didn’t see! Y’all are in my prayers
❤️🙏❤️My heart is with all of you. Thank you for helping save people and pets❤️🙏❤️
So many people need help. Now the water is standing. Mosquitoes, sewerage,bacteria, be careful
4 months before Ian hit, condo owners in Fort Myers Beach unleashed a pack of separate lawsuits trying to stop the 'Low-light Turtle Law' which for some years has required all lights on the beach to be fitted with yellow/amber lenses for the benefit of baby sea turtles emerging from their nests. When sea turtles are born, they instinctively run toward the light. Historically, the land was dark and the ocean was light from the reflections of the moon and stars. With the condos and hotels bars and businesses all lighting up the beach, baby turtles have been running to the highway. The yellow and amber lenses helped the turtles. So do not feel sorry for these nasty selfish inconsiderate people of Fort Myers Beach. Thank Ian instead that the turtles may yet live.
Crying and cheering, just the same. 💪❤🤍💙.
This is who we are!! Americans helping others in desperate situations💯💯💯💯 💙💙💙💙🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲💙💙💙💙💯💯
Now why would I do this to myself 🥺🥺😭😭
Amen. 🙏🏽we all come together everyday to help one another 👍🏻💪🏿💪🏼👍🏾💙💙💙
The man saving the cat made me tear up
This is what we need, kindness and love
The look on the cat’s face….😢
God bless ❤
This is what America should be every day, not just during a disaster.
I'm heading across the bridge to do what I can this weekend. I can't wait to go help.
Thank u♥️❤️more people like u
Big thnak u
That so sweet and big heart man who's rescue beutifull cat ♥️♥️♥️
I still have hope for this world that there are kindness and helpful people out there, I was literally in tears when I saw so many homes on the news and YouTubers destroyed or flooded. Lots of people are homeless or building there homes. Hearing lots of pets or humans dead or getting rescued literally made me cry. God bless Florida and everyone in Florida who got hit by Ian
No matter how the 😈👹👿👺 always will try to divide. When needed good will always win. These people have lost everything and need everything. Working together no matter. Patriots and the real American. It will take time to get better but it will 🙏
So sad but that brings people togehter for one and each other also pets find comforting at humans cuddle them just as humans find it by cuddle the pets too.
MotherEarth, not Mother Nature; cover up for greed
Secure Climate funds from fraudsters like DeSantis.
DeSantis defrauded Covid funds to pay for migrant flights.
What would you do next time now that next time is now?
Use natural environment and construct flood swales..
I’m going to say what everyone is probably thinking – Why the hell were people in a BOAT during a hurricane??
Jesus bled to death on the cross and resolved your sins and curses. He resurrected from his grave and destroyed Satan's power. If you believe in Jesus, you will be freed from the law of sin and death forever and become a child of God. Believe in Jesus and welcome him.
He's the Creator God.♡♡♡
We used to have a place in Naples, so sad to see all this. Hoping people and pets are okay.
That camera man deserves a promotion for not only delivering the news but for running it too ! That is what i call a human, a person who does not film the accident and comment but goes and help the ones who are in need
Say what you want about Americans, but when the chips are down we come together and help each other. Religion, politics, race or gender doesn't factor into the equation. WE STAND TOGETHER AS ONE.
I'll never understand why people are driving around on the streets in the middle of a hurricane
The sad thing is it takes disaster for those who show kindness and empathy to be noticed
Wow this just makes me
Cry; thank you to all those who put their life on the line to help save humans and animals god bless you al
Where are all the strong independent women at
This is painful to watch. What's happening in our world. Plague, Natural Disasters, War and Violence. Scary times ahead for all.
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Thank you for rescuing putty cat🤲🤲🤲
Faith in humanity restored
Really very sad, we pray God help🙏
All the animals that lost their lives either swept away or stuck in a home that flooded. So sad. Why did people get them in the first place if they were just going to abandon them in an emergency situation which they were warned about plenty of time in advance but people thought they could ride it out and be ok. But those who left their pets behind, no excuses. Our pets are our family, they’re our life, we owe it to them to protect them from a bad situation also, just as they’d do for us. I just don’t get it. If I knew a hurricane was coming and it was going to get bad, my dogs ARE GETTING THE HELL OUT OF THERE WITH ME! Period…. People can say whatever they want to this, it’s true and u know it. Of course I feel for the ppl in this situation too, but they KNEW what was coming, the animals didn’t. 😞