#animalrescue #animal #dogrescue @Pets In Love
Mother dog’s reaction when her newborn puppies will be saved
Super thanks to rescuer: Guardians of all voiceless!
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Thanks alot!
Mi vida preciosa! Te van a ayudar!!
Thank you
Mamãe ama seus filhotes 🐕 🐕 🐕 ❤
Thanks to the rescuers.
Thank you angel!
Super big thank for this family!!!!
Люди спасибо,❤️❤️❤️ спасли жизнь малышей!👍👍👍👍 Мамуля в шоке ❤️❤️❤️ живи чудо не что не может заменить нам это чувства
Мы помогаем! Спасаем!
Amen. Thank you rescue team. God bless you all. Love 😍
Thanks to all of you 🙏
Pésimas condiciones 🐶 ke triste verla entre esa pobreza cn bebés 😔 gracias a los rescatistas x su gran trabajo y klos ayuden mucho 🙏🐶🫶🐶🐶🐶🐶🤍🫶
Beautiful Angels thank You for rescuing our animals God bless all of youse.
Gracias mil gracias por ayudar a está guapa perrita y sus lindos cachorros
Dio está con uds mil gracias por todo ….gracias por los q amamos a los animales
U can’t see this without tears 😢😢💔💔thank you so much for helping that baby
K linda labor por rescatar perritos o perritas K piensan k están solos vemdiomes
Ça me gonfle de voir ces pauvres chiens malheureux mais quel pays ??? Enfin je dis rien car je vais être très mal élevé 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
God bless you dear 🙏🙏🙏 so cute puppy 💞💞💓💓💓💓💓
모성애는 강하다~ 구해주셔서 감사드립니다 ~
Love from Russia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kiss!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for saving mama and babies. You can see how much she appreciate being helped out of there. God bless you all and all of our stray and abandoned animals. 🙏
C tout. Avez vs soigné la mère blessée aussi
Спасибо огромное ВАМ Человек!
thank you…
momma dogs always try and always give back.
Dari kejauhan saya doakan anda semua semoga sihat selalu dan dipermudahkan segalanya dan terima kasih memperjuangkan dan menjaga hak haiwan terbiar ..
Спасибо Вам 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Pobre madre tan hermosa y valiente en medio del basurero,co'mo sobrevivio'!!!! Desalmado el q.la boto' como cualquier cosa,es horrible.no tiene perdo'n! Q.te recuperes con los bbs.y tengan un mejor futuro,en un hogar hermoso y feli'z con mucho amor y cuidados!!!!
Just in time poor mamma.
God Bless every one involve in the rescue of these abandoned, abuse or simply betrayed by someone they trusted. I am disable now due to an irresponsible drunk driver. Was a pre-med w/ business minor. Woke up with a fractured skull, ribs, broken nose, pelvic n all that ! With a 1% chance of living… I believe in the power of prayer ! Jesus saved me and I am not what I planned now. I am what my Father God wants me to be ! I pray because the power of prayer is real ! In the name of Jesus your shelter will receive plenty of funds n provisions to continue saving God's creations ! Creations he created for us … making each one special for his Human Children to love, appreciate n be in awe in just how awesome he is with us !
Creating all these awsome animals, pets for us !
When he sees us being careless n not treasuries his gifts than our Father took the time to create for us !
Please forgive me for I am not perfect but I ask you to guide me in the names of Jesus !
Thank you 🙏
The most pure soul need Heros like you to help
Iba a parir en un basurero! Gracias por salvar a la perrita y sus crías!!!
Please find them good families, don't put them on the streets again!