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Sam, Niko, and Wren discuss some of the best (and worst) visual effects in some of your favorite Hollywood films!
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00:00 Intro
00:43 lightskinyogi
02:27 The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power
11:45 Once Upon a Time
15:04 The Blob
19:34 Epidemic Sound
21:21 Outro
If only ROP spent a quarter of their vfx budget on actual decent writers then the show would not be trash
Recommend checking out the scene when Eligos first appears in Ash vs The Evil Dead
Hi I’m Stephan and I’m gonna tell you about epidemic they got everything:
The new Eraser movie in HBO, the cg is very obvious and bad.
It's weird. Do I have magic eyes? I can instantly tell that "Not Gandalf" was green-screened in. He's disconnected from the background. The lighting isn't quite right. Theres a bit of a weird blur around his cloth. It just screams out.
60million per episode
React to the new Indian movies trailer Ram Setu, Adipururh, Brahmastra. C
Love that you reacted to The Blob. A very underrated movie with a lot of cool FX in it. I hope you treat yourself (and us) to the phonebooth scene in the future too 🙂
Please review the VFX for Minnal Murali
Well, I now hate B&H. They make my YouTube viewing almost unendurable. A one and a half minute commercial at the beginning of your video that you can't exit from? Really? I will never buy from them.
Coming from the uk, hearing the a in miniature sounds weird.
I found the ROP show boring. I couldn't finish it. Found it pandering and derivative.
Rings of P… SKIP!
Ohh I remember the Blob, saw it when i was about 7/8, lost my appetite for 3 days straight. I was even scared of the cover art for a while. The production did a really good job.
I thought it was Weta not weighter.
13:00 Oh God, look at the fire o_O
"HYOOOJ maaan…"
Whats crazy is the rings of power spent so much money for the story to be complete ass
suggestion – Brahmastra bollywood film
The show itself is garbage..
huuuge maaaannnn
I still maintain that for practical effects, check out how good Dragonslayer is… actually a Disney movie that is on the darker side of PG… when they used to occasionally do that. The Go Motion dragon (Vermithrax Pejorative) is still one of the best movie dragons I have seen and the movie is from 1981.
Something that puts me off a bit about those landscape shots, (like the Eregion shot for example) everything looks really sharp and crisp and detailed. Or maybe it's that effect of things at the edge of cameras being a bit blurred. Or objects get more blurred as they go further from the camera. Something about those landscapes subconsciously makes me feel that it isn't real. Don't get me wrong these are incredible landscapes and really really praiseworthy.
Yall should have a look at the 10th kingdom opening. It's got some cool shots in the series.
Damn you can’t forget all the majorly worse things on OUAT! I absolutely love that show. But the VFX is way worse than this- season one and two specifically.
I love Sam's words of wisdom on The Rings of Power. "Get over it, it's sweet."
12:33 Ah the SIKE out.. 😁
The original Blob has some clever effects also, and an awesome opening credit sequence guaranteed to put a grin on your face.
id love to see a practical effect breakdown video
love the way you guys bounce ideas off each other
I've really enjoyed your shows and recently went searching for anything you did on Arachnophobia. That movie still makes my skin crawl the same as when I saw it as a kid. How'd they get the spiders to do what they wanted?
Love the content You guys should watch and do the Ghost Rider from Agents of Shield. For a TV budget i think it looks amazing.
SEE season 3 has some great vfx
Wren saying "huge man" is the best thing that has happened to me in my life.
Please react to the last few minutes of Episode 6 from the Rings of Power (spoiler coming: the awakening of Mount Doom scene)!! Amazing stuff as always guys!!
Given its the spooky month, I would love to see your guy's breakdown of Poltergeist, I just watched it for the first time last night and there's so many great scenes to look at
Ignorant to the industry here; can someone explain the "union set" joke that Sam makes around 14:10?
Visuals of this series is the best thing ive seen in many years. this is top tier 10 of the 10 vfx. way better than house of the dragon. story is better in H of D.
I saw another comment echoing this, but it would be really cool to have a breakdown of some of the shots in the original Tremors film. The breakdown of the Blob makes me think there were probably some similar practical techniques used. (Puppetry and such)
Another great video, Crew! I have learned so much about VFX, practical effects, film making, stunts, etc. from you guys! Definitely gives me a deeper appreciation for the things I watch!
You can tell you have been paid by Amazon to say the things you are saying! Please stop and do better.
ROP is just garbage.
Can you guys react to "The Leviathan – teaser" by Ruairi Robinson on YouTube. It's 7 years old and it still baffles me.
React to Adhipurush
Okay I just finished the new live action Pinocchio & imma need you to react to that… I almost didn't wanna finish it until I just settled for trying to find all the vfx that looked weird. 😅😭😭
I thought norri was a boy until episode 3. I know it was probably mentioned and I think there there’s a point to making her kinda ambiguous.. however, you have to remember that I am an incredibly stupid human.
Dune TV series vs Dune