BEST WAY to SPOT BAD GUYS looking for TROUBLE. WHO are the most DANGEROUS people around you? This week we discuss how to profile BAD GUYS in self defence. The first method in learning to defend yourself is looking at the people around you. We highlight the most important factors to look for in your personal protection. 3 SIGNS Someone’s WATCHING YOU… How to Avoid TROUBLE!!
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ELEVATING YOUR FIGHT IQ: Videos blending Martial Arts, Crime Science, and Psychology.
Presented by Dr Mark Phillips Criminal Psychologist, Security Consultant, Martial Arts and Defensive Skills Instructor. An expert in Organised Crime, Hostage Taking, and Offender Profiling. Martial arts experience includes Wing Chun, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Wrestling, Boxing, San Da Kickboxing, and MMA.
Weekly Self Defence and Martial Arts video releases every Wednesday. Topics Covered: Coping with Criminal Behaviour, Self Defence Techniques, Street Fighting Tips, Mindset Preparation, as well as general tips on how to defend yourself.
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So ten thousand years ago we had too be aware of predators and enviroment danger, so in the XXI century, with informatic tools, we still have too be very aware.
Walking back from Colliers Wood to Phipps Bridge (pretty dodgy area) through some dark wooded lane. Two guys chatting outside the pub. Hoodies, etc.
They start following me.
I have headphones on, but no noise. I like to hear my environment at night.
These gits are openly discussing mugging me 🤣 I'm thinking, nope.
I have had a few, so might not win.
So ring a mate (after texting him "just play along") taking out my headphones and pocketing them.
I stretch the back and shoulders and begin to limber up.
Explain not so loudly on the phone that "theres two skinny c**ts behind me. Think they can mug me. You're with Gary ain't you? Cool. I'll hold up these twats. See you in, one, maybe two minutes?"
I've never seen two chavs leg it so fast in my life 🤣🤣🤣
It bugs me here because there are two "perpetrators" mixed: the insidious criminal and a drunk agressor. They act and look very differently … I live in one of the safest countries in the world, so I don't see many situations like this – but on the other hand they are then much more obvious.
You can "feel" most of those people, if you pay attention, but the best way is to avoid even the situation to meet them. You are not a coward being careful. And to stay out of their interest.
Your analysis are priceless, Sifu Phillip. T vm !
I go way back with this stuff. And I really like your videos. You'd be impressed with who I hung out with and what I did for the evolution of hand to hand. But I had to chuckle on the message for this one. Which 'begs' the quesion: WTF would you even be ON a street like that, or even remotely close to the entire area, if you really wanted to minimize the odds of you being attacked???! IOW, unless you are unfortunate enough in life to happen to live in a 'hood' replete with gangbangers and degenerate sub humans like portrayed there is absolutely NO reason for an average person to be in an area like this where morons like depicted are hanging around like flies on shit for anything other than a job, or absolutely necessary business. Plus you are so skilled (many years of training) that you make it look easy. Someone who lives in a place like this would better spend their time trying to work their way out of having to live in a dangerous area. Keep up the good work!
Do u run defensive classes
I'm already committed to situational awareness, BUT as the narrator said, interpretation of body language quickly and easily is equally important. I'd like a longer and more definitive description of body language tells! Thank you 😊 .
Very true. I need to calm down my reactions though a little as 4 times or so in about 3 months bikes or scooters approaching me too close from behind ostensibly to pass me got surprised by me quickly turning in a defensive position or with my hand on a beer bottle neck in my jacket.
Obviously I just apologised to the one who stopped for a second. One yesterday cycled off and turned to look back at me from a distance. He had a look on his face that I was crazy lol… Just a foreign student. No harm done but speeding towards someone's back and getting within a few metres isn't wise.
Same thing with seagulls..They are great training in my town.
I am no threat but I prefer to do the observing 💯 of the time. No this is not paranoia. It's baseline awareness😆
I'm observing EVERYONE who is observing me…👀👁
3 other important facts 1 dont go walking at night ,2 catch a taxi 3 dont get too too drunk
Just dont walk at night in dodgie places.
A lack of situational awareness is how I got robbed. I went in apartment parking late at night, very poorly lit, getting laundry out of passenger side of truck when 2 guys snuck up on me. One behind me going through my pockets, other look like holding a gun. Sucks it happened but kind of glad to. Taught me to watch my back. Don't loiter .Keep head on a swivel.
Wish mask mandates were a thing 15 years ago when I was a criminal. Granted I didn't victimize civilians.
I was living in Columbus Ohio about 15 years ago and I got mugged and beaten….i wasn't hurt but it was pleasant.
I was walking home from work at like 1am and some dude across the street started pacing me then cut straight over to me.
I figured he was a bum wanting a cigg or something.
I was wrong.
He also had an accomplice behind me I was unaware of.
Never again.
Now I have a gun license.
Anyways I'm glad nobody got hurt.
I landed a couple blows and got home with no wallet and a busted lip
Show the full video, not the tease, Otherwise this is just click bait with a lot of talk.
Follow the rules of stupid, don't go stupid places at stupid with stupid people and do stupid things!
Buy a dog.. Even smaller one makes you much harder target cos dog will alert you if someone has something stupid in mind. Bigger dog, more capable it is to stop offender. Bigger dog can defend you with their appearance. Trust me, it`s cheap and easy way to save you from attacker.
Btw, a great move against a much bigger opponent, is grabbing their balls, squeezing and twisting at the same time. Very effect indeed !
Always carry a torch! it can be used as a Yawara! Martial artists do this. The police won't be concerned if you carry a torch! 😎😎😇
Second.its all experience.
In a street fight you dont have time to think what move is good.you are fighting
Great advice. Much appreciated. You are a good man.
This is exactly why I dress like a criminal when I go out and I have started behaving like them to observe 'the enemy', keeping them on their toes.
Knowing what not to do and where not to be, at night for example is also an essential part of self defence
Simple avoid the ngs
Work on a traffic light system….lot easier to remember….green…no problems…..amber…..in fight mode…..red…fight
I had guy doing similar on broad Street while I got back from him 11pm he was standing corner dark area in street he was walking across other side of street. I saw him fallow me from distance I pick him up I made sure I notice him I slow down look back after that he made U turn walk away. I'm always scanning keep eye on all people I go pass . Usually your guts alarm will go off you have have awareness.
4:23 beer is life
Sounds over-simplified, but I avoid dark places, choke points, cities late at night. However I am not complacent, and will park car in lit areas, look around before entering, leaving vehicle, use cash machines during the day, and dress as unobtrusively as possible, no flashy watch, cameras, phones on show. Sadly, I think it is the young, and very old, who are oblivious to their surroundings. Take care everyone.
I was wondering if I visibly hold a retractable umbrella or even a rolled up magazine while walking out and about, especially in sketchy areas, would bad guys see me as less of a target and give me a"pass". I've heard bad guys look for easiest victims to attacks which unfortunely, are often women and the elderly.
now this is really good, I agree 100%
I have been luckly in life, of all the fights I have been in it was never the result of a random attack. May be they're waiting till I'm old an defenceless.
Ahhh… the violent streets of England.
Look for the people or person who is watching you but not looking at you!!!
Glad I found your channel. Great content. I live in LA, but this is rule #1 in any big city. Always be alert!!
Dont think this is something you can pick up, it's something that is natural and learnt from the area you grow up in. Grew up in east London and I naturally know when I go into a pub if there's going to be trouble but I moved out 15 years ago and my kids are useless in that sense
Your vid is a mess , 80 percent of the time you show black folks being the sus
The good thing of livin' in 🇧🇷 Brazil is that nothing bout u said is new to me I do all those things since i'm know myself as person lol
I wish I could be one of your students, give me 5-8 years and I can afford a ticket for a weekend, hope you're still teaching then. 🙂
Greetings from Augsburg
I've been through several bad dangerous situations during the 70's and 80's but everytime the people involved radiated red flags of danger with either clothes, mannerisms, behavior and or speech. It also never ceases to amaze me with some people I know that I've been with who are so totally oblivious to dangerous situations, environments and or people.
Keep distance keep distance keep distance keep distance ☝️😕 and keep a firearm or oc spray on you i carry both deadly & none deadly force is always present react rationally and intelligently
I Don't Like Trouble Makers
All True 👍
Your videos are great but also annoying. Why do you never show the full footages? It could be more educational.
I dont know… I love your channel and all, but I think you are describing way more deliberation in an area where there is little deliberation at best. at least here in the states, which is my experience, bad guys don't reflect on the threads they wear, how they will reflect light, etc. What they do deliberate on is a script, and a profile matching the victim, the prey they seek… So for example… "you have a light?" a perfect set up, you stop, your hands are occupied, they can decide if they want to attack, or not…
Yes, behavoir is paramount. What exactly constitutes threatening behavior, how to nullify it, and when to fight, as opposed to when to take flight, are the elements involved with getting things right.
Good advice