Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to journalist and host of “The Megyn Kelly Show” Megyn Kelly about the public school exodus; how schools are failing kids; why American education seems more focused on critical race theory and gender ideology then math and history; what parents can do if they are concerned about woke teachers and equity in schools; how she’s changed politically; why she is more likely to vote for Andrew Yang or Tulsi Gabbard, over Majorie Taylor Greene; why she finds school mask mandates the most disturbing of the culture war fights; what parents can learn from Glenn Youngkin’s victory; how Randi Weingarten has overplayed her hand with the teacher’s union; why she now considers herself very skeptical of the COVID vaccine; what we are beginning to learn about COVID vaccine risks; why she’s concerned about the COVID vaccine’s side effects on the immune system; why she thinks that a Trump 2024 campaign will guarantee that Ron DeSantis doesn’t stand a chance in the 2024 presidential election; why she thinks MAGA voters and Trump supporters will never support a DeSantis 2024 campaign unless Trump signs off on it; how Joe Biden’s list of dementia symptoms keeps growing; and much more.
Watch Dave Rubin’s previous FULL INTERVIEW with MEGYN KELLY here:
0:00 Intro
5:02 How Has Megyn Kelly’s Politics Shifted
10:29 What Should We Do To Crooked Dems?
20:25 Working At Fox vs. NBC
28:05 Will Dem. Led States Ever Become Republican?
33:15 Will Desantis Beat Trump?
37:40 Who Is Running The Show?
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Megyn Kelly
Journalist & Host, The Megyn Kelly Show
Megyn on Twitter: https://twitter.com/megynkelly
Listen to Megyn’s podcast “The Megyn Kelly Show”
On Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-megyn-kelly-show/id1532976305
On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0awxEJH88Xur0GHXuteBLw
Watch “The Megyn Kelly Show” here: http://youtube.com/megynkelly
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Watch Dave Rubin’s previous full interview with Megyn Kelly here:
She's very pretty and a good interviewer, and…..that's it.
Great episode. I watch them all and pretty much like every one of them but I did appreciate this one a lot. I also was more 50/50 about DeSantis vs Trump but this makes me want to research more into this.
Why is the covid shot called a vaccine?
If Gavin Newsom EVER becomes president I'm moving to Mexico.
Who is Desantis?😂🤣🤡
If Desantis have plans to run for POTUS, Megyn is right… He should go behind Trump (maybe VP) in 2024 and he will definitely be the next POTUS in 2028.
I don't think Trumps going to run again. I think it will be DeSantis.
Unfortunately she is right, Trumps overinflated ego will never let what is best for the country come first, only what is best for him. If he is our nominee we will lose, it DeSantis is the nominee we will win. The only reason Trump won in 2016 is because the only person more toxic than Trump is Hillary but the democrats won't make that mistake again.
I always love Dave's shoes, his viewpoints on almost everything are what decent conservative people are in sync with. BUT, this is perplexing, having Megyn Kelly on. I don't trust her motives at all. I think that she's putting out some truth on a couple issues, just to get us to accept a dose of poison. And sadly, from many of the comments, it's working. That's extremely sly and devious. Her support for Yang is the giveaway in my mind, that she's a snake in the grass.
And Trump will lose again , just like he lost to this cabbage of a president. So if he is on the ticket I will sit this vote out, not going to waste my gas to the polls this time.
Ugh, can Trump go away? And give way for better Conservative nominees? At least make the upcoming elections more interesting and hopeful 😂😂😂😂
About President Trump notice how mainstream is still obsessed and the left is completely obsessed doing that think about it .if you were to combine all of Trump's and Desantis votes it's done maybe President Trump' wants to be known as the guy to follow does it behoove him to be known as the payback president or the guy who kept the Republicans in power 3or four generations down the line that would solidify the Trump Legacy for generations not to mention Donald Jr he's a pretty smart cookie himself .maybe President Trump really doesn't want to be president he merely
Wants to call the shot for the new generation .talk an it ego . I predict that's what both are planning.the governor and Trump are in cahoots that's the game plan
DeSantis isn't out for himself any more than Trump is. He would never endanger our future like that. No doubt he will be needed in 2028 and will meet the challenge.
Excellent!! I forgot how great Megan is.
The new study today says that you are
more likely to get Myocarditis if we get
covid without the vaccine than if we
get covid with the vaccine. I personally
believe this is the propaganda they
want before we begin to investigate
them because so many people got
Myocarditis after getting the vaccine.
What say you?
President Trump DOES deserve to be President again, but if comes down to DeSantis vs. a Democrat, obviously we will vote for DeSantis.
What a narcissist! She’d put her personal preference over what’s good for America! 👎👎👎
How about a Trump-DeSantis ticket? I voted for Trump but not 100% sure I would again ONLY because he can’t keep his mouth in check. He has bigger balls than Michelle Obama, and we were stronger overall while he was in the WH. I could definitely get behind a T/D ticket. I think that would blow everyone away. Just my opinion. And no, Megyn, we would NOT burn things down. That’s the Democrats. 😠
Got the second Pfizer vaccine. Within 10 days I was being rushed to ED with severe DVT and life threatening massive saddle embolism, 2/18/21. Breathing hasn’t been 100% since. On blood thinners now and can never do some things I love because of that!
HA! "In case you are thinking of firing me, I have a vagina." LOL
Sad situation. We should be able to trust each other and be on the same general page for the welfare of America. Some are too biased, though.
My grandson was not vaxed , he contacted covid. ,was very sick. But he was okay . , got better.Then because of his job was mandated to take jab.
Every since then he has not felt well. It affected his liver .even his eyes were yellow. He has just started to feel better. And he worked through this illness ..as he is the breadwinner in fam.
DeSantis absolutely can win
She is out of her damn mind. If DeSantis were to beat Trump and become the nominee every single Trump supporter will gladly shift to DeSantis and support him.
The two most white bread commentators ever! Funny to watch them get angry! I have never met a single Republican who wouldn't cheerfully vote for DeSantis if be beat Trump fair and square in the Primary. Think Kelly is dead wrong on this one.
I am Maga and DeSantis will be a great choice.
She has absolutely no idea what she's talking about. Just like she was wrong on Trump in 2016 she's wrong again
“Everything out of your mouth at NBC was controlled.” -Megyn
Great show. Can’t say I align with you and Megyn on your politics (I’m more conservative) but I appreciate your reasonable exploration of the topics.
What makes you think that Trump and De Santis don't have a relationship that most of us are simply not privy to? Stay in your lanes.
Desantiis, isn't hardcore enough for what's happening rt now in the world.
Ya gotta have somebody
THEREFORE..no turning one's CHEEK
When is Dave going to go back to a real background instead of that virtual one?
Look at Edward Dowd research.