The WZ305 in War Thunder is a 57mm double barrel anti-air. This is in my opinion one of the best anti-air tanks in War Thunder.
The proximity fuse 57mm are the second biggest HVT shells in the game and they are extremely powerful against both helicopters and airplanes. On top of this, the guns also come with 151mm penetrating APHE shells for dealing with vehicles on the ground.
There isn’t much SPAA more deadly on a flank than this thing making it VERY diverse in its role. You can take it tank destroying or deal with threats from the air in equal measures. Well, mostly tanks! 🙂
Amazing machine and VERY fun to play!
My Decal and Discount: https://store.gaijin.net/catalog.php?category=WarThunder&partner=Oddbawz&partner_val=2bpa5qx4
Merch: oddbawz-shop.creator-spring.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/oddbawz
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oddbawz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OddBawZ
Business Email: oddbaw01@gmail.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/join/oddbawz
Get my sweet decal and 3% off using this link! https://store.gaijin.net/catalog.php?category=WarThunder&partner=Oddbawz&partner_val=2bpa5qx4
Thanks for the update on Phly and Banks and it goes without saying Mrs. Phly…, family time is important too. I Enjoyed this video!
Thank u Odd from letting us know about phly!😃 I was very worried about him. If he just said some in that point of having a break from WT i would understand and appreciate so that i´m not going to ask his friends out about him… sorry Odd 😟
Btw.: If you Guys know Slickbee he uploaded 2 WT vids in the last 2 days give him some motivation!😄
Video 177 asking for the best 5.7 fighter, the American spitfire!
that tank sounds like a radio channel
lol just bephore you started talking about him i thought when is the lazy aph dude making content again 😁
ah yes this OP vehicle is so balanced it hurts
if kubel can go up so can the russian version of this since its insanely good
I swear the sound of the intro guns shooting is the cod:mw2 (the old one) barret. 50 cal sound doubled. Can't unhear it
good stuff man, finally worked my way through all your vids. what a summer it was.
I have always thought this thing was OP, and this video just confirmed it.
Question are you Colorblind because I can see you have colourblind mode on
4:48 LMAO
Day 87 of asking Oddbawz to play the M56
60k views and only 4.3k likes! Make sure to Like the video ya'll help OddBawZ out!
It would be cool if you played the XM-1 (criseler)
When will he be back
Day 2 of asking for you to play the M551 and M60 AOS (and whatever airplane you want)
Would be cool but getting tier 5 is hard unfortunately at least for me lol
Thanks for the Phly update, that's what I hoped he was doing.
Phlydaddy abandoned me, his youtube child, to go play with the new younger brother. This is bullshit.
Odd….adopt me maybefuturedaddy?
I used that flank on Normandy map when using the Italian M4A4, got a Ace before the enemy realised I was behind them 😃
Thank you for the Phly update. I know it seems weird, but it was the same when you were sick. This community genuinely cares and when we hear nothing, we assume the worst.
Glad he is enjoying the Dad time, because it Phly's by too quickly. See what I did there??? 😉
Love it
Thx about the phly news!
good to know Phlydaddy is ok. the man deserves time off to be with his kid. he has given us more than enough content to justify his absence for a while.
OddBawz you should make a vid on the HE 111 H6 the nuke of 3.0
glad to hear about phly, i was getting worried
Thanks Odd, both for this video & letting us know Phly's ok.