#checkin #bloods #chicago #politics #gangster #gangster #drill #crime #bd_news #bd_news #crips #charlestonwhite
#checkin #bloods #chicago #politics #gangster #gangster #drill #crime #bd_news #bd_news #crips #charlestonwhite
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This is a classic in the making absolutely hilarious 😭
Ti going down
Of course he's ready……..black folk are always ready to destroy each other. That's why white folk laugh at our little marches and equality demands
If im correct ti pull up on mayweather …..yus gona get asa wowpin
He punched mayweather !😉
I remember him squaring up with Mayweather
He fought lil flip & Floyd M 😂
Hahahaha T.I hurt his feelings lol. This dude is so entertaining. Boxers fight 12 rounds, not 8 😂.
C.W. knows the science. Everybody
else can't seem to put the ingredients together.
That’s where CW going loose cause T.I. Been taking boxing lessons since he ran up on May W..
8 rounds lol
Soft as cotton 😂😂
Didn’t he pull up on flip in Texas
Industry plant
Ti gonna get worked and he can get whatever he like yeahhhh
I would watch this. The lead up press conferences would be epic. CW would sell this fight by himself. 😂😂😂
Comedy 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
It’ll be worth millions to watch😆😆😆😆
Dude be speaking facts tho
his best work yet… 😂 #SetItUp #ImaKickT.I'sAssClifford😂😂😂😂😂
Ti never could fight 👎
This dude a character 🤣🤣