The threat of nuclear retaliation keeps most countries in check, but that doesn’t mean we’ve seen the end of nuclear destruction! Check out today’s epic video to find out which country has the biggest bomb, and other insane facts you never knew about nuclear weapons!
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The largest missile-deliverable weapons were 9 mT for the USA and 25 mT for the USSR. Contrary to fiction, big megaton bombs are clumsy to work with. Three 100-kT weapons are more effective and easier to send. That movie with Kevin Pollak mentioning "a 100 megaton bomb" was just silly.
Any Electricians or Craftsman here notice the cartoon conduit run in the storage hanger?
Oh, please, like the USgov didn’t know very well that there was still hot fall-out there & sent the inhabitants back to see what the effect upon them would be…
Heheh Kimmy boi in the thumbnail be looking like a judge on the voice or Americas got talent with the button.
Руки прочь от Народной Кореи!
The Tsar Bomba is the single most physically powerful device ever deployed on Earth, the most powerful nuclear bomb tested and the largest man-made explosion in history.
The flare was visible at a distance of more than 1,000 km (620 mi).
The explosion's nuclear mushroom rose to a height of 67 km (42 mi). The shape of the "hat" was two-tiered; the diameter of the upper tier was estimated at 95 km (59 mi), the lower tier at 70 km (43 mi). The cloud was observed 800 km (500 mi) from the explosion site.
The blast wave circled the globe three times, with the first one taking 36 hours and 27 minutes.
A seismic wave in the earth's crust, generated by the shock wave of the explosion, circled the globe three times.
Glass shattered in windows 780 km (480 mi) from the explosion in a village on Dikson Island.
A shock wave was observed in the air at Dikson settlement 700 km (430 mi) away; windowpanes were partially broken for distances up to 900 kilometres (560 mi).
The mushroom cloud was about 67 km (42 mi) high (nearly eight times the height of Mount Everest), which meant that the cloud was above the stratosphere and well inside the mesosphere when it peaked. The cap of the mushroom cloud had a peak width of 95 km (59 mi) and its base was 40 km (25 mi) wide.
Although simplistic fireball calculations predicted it would be large enough to hit the ground, the bomb's own shock wave bounced back and prevented this. The 8-kilometre-wide (5.0 mi) fireball reached nearly as high as the altitude of the release plane and was visible at almost 1,000 km (620 mi) away.
The initial three-stage design of Tsar Bomba was capable of yielding approximately 100 Mt through fast fission (3,000 times the power of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs); however, it was thought that this would have resulted in too much nuclear fallout, and the aircraft delivering the bomb would not have had enough time to escape the explosion. To limit the amount of fallout, the third stage and possibly the second stage had a lead tamper instead of a uranium-238 fusion tamper.
The crew of the aircraft were given a 50-50% chance of escaping the blast.
The Soviets have also tested the most powerful non nuclr weapon ever, known as "the father of all b0mbs"
India has the Nuclear Triad, it does have air-surface nuclear capability.
I hope rest of the world will think just like him, india only developed land based nuclear weapons. India smiling from corner with it's triad 😎
Infographic channel has subtly become a propoganda channel for usa
India had nukes in 1971
is that where the biki bottom from spongebob opening came from
My school in Canada actually has a piece of uranium and I think there a unit where you learn to make a bomb with it
I'm just going to have to say the US government caused climate change with the testing and being the only country to have ever used a nuclear bombs
Could you do a video on what would happen if a minor cpuntru with nukes nuked another becuase we alsways talk about if america luanched or russia si want to see what happens if some9ne else does
Just a fact India is part of the Nuclear Triad. So is France and UK! China, Russia and USA are ofcourse part of it as well.
Hi shut up about the boma in the nederlands its a (sekret)
The phrasing on fact 8 is so weird, why are you trying to frame it like the US won the Cuban missile crisis? They didn’t lol
Who cares 😴
Wait neutron bombs exist?
man the amount of unique life that must have been endemic to these islands must be either extinct or messed tf up
That bombardier spent the rest of time in the service on KP duty
1 teaspoon Antimatter bomb will blow up earth!👽🔫
Vela incident was the natural pulsars and gamma Ray bursts in outer space.
People from India are mad 🤣🤣
So who has the biggest one?
Click bait. Title doesn’t say anything about some top 15 list
Wouldnt Russia possibly still have a Tsar Bomba?
#1 It was South Africa. My dad was in the military at that stage. He told me about the nuclear weapon development. I found it fascinating.
The title and the video are completely miss aligned