Leopard Seal – One Of The Cutest But Dangerous Animals In The World #shorts
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"Very dangerous to anything unlucky enough to cross it's path" wanna say that about a killer whale?
Until an ORCA comes along…
Did you mention that they can grow to the size of the big cats
Don't tell me you just said leopard seals are cute
They look like Sharks with whiskers
Lol do they look cute? 🤨
Sea wolves.
These guys sometimes hunt Platypus
They have killed at least one one human on record-a marine biologist. Not cute at all.
Several clips in this video show elephant seal not leopard seals.
Thing like creepy af
Hubie and Rocko definitely had their hands full with one
Super cute when the drag you underwater and drown you. Not that they would ever do that to a human, right? 🙁
Cute?? Uhhh… um.. how about no. 👎🏾
There is genuinely only a few animals that actually physically look scary scary, not becuz their dangerous or could kill me but just physically the way they look deeply disturbs me and this thing and sloths r the only thing on that list these things aren’t cute at all and look pretty horrific
Leopard seals almost look prehistoric or maybe reptilian in a way
It also keeps them orcas alive
Bro, they are not the cutest. You forgot about ring seals or polar bears
Yes they are fast
But on the water so u can just walk pass them from a save distance that they cant hop on you
Leopard seals are wicked. They make me think of blubbery aquatic dinosaurs
I remember these from "Happy Feet" scared the hell out of me as a kid
Awweee, the cutest little murder sausages
Love them. Cute seals 🦭
try and defend your ice from global warming
Hmm suddenly I don't feel as bad about them becoming Orca snacks lol
No they sure have that f@ckwit face! 🙄
Not like regular seals!
Jeez, those are mean sea doggos
A few of the images are of elephant seals, not leopard seals
They fuzzy dinosaurs lol
Leopard seals: what if seal but evil
"lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eye…"
Finally. Seals that can kill Bin Laden have been found
There wild animals they do what they do. They are also hunted by orca's which are human friendly but ferry deadly.
worth a hand to pet
I'm not saying the cuteness seeing the terrifyingness!
Leopard seals? CUTE?! I hope that statement is sarcastic as hell!
Pobrecitos deben de estar sufriendo mucho por los plásticos en su sistema que se hace pasar por hormonas. Me parece impresionante que aún no de hayan extinguido.
Scary AF 😳😳😳