Hey everyone, today we’re looking at perks that went from zero to hero. I thought it’d be interesting to take a look at the perks that were once bad, but now are good, and in some cases even meta throughout DbD history. Kind of as a mirror to the good perks that became bad video. Many of these are perks that were altered in the recent 6.1.0 perk update. We’re going to cover 4 perks for each side. Let’s get into it.
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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone
Hope you enjoy!
Intro 0:00
Overcharge 0:26
Off the Record 1:57
Dead Man’s Switch 3:28
Windows of Opportunity 4:55
Hex: Blood Favour 6:09
Boil Over 7:40
Franklin’s Demise 9:58
We’re Gonna Live Forever 12:07
Outro 14:20
Ignore my bad killer gameplay, I'm just starting to play more again : )
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As someone who plays mostly killer, but does dabble in both, boil over is my most hated perk. The only time it shines is in toxic bully squads. Rarely does it genuinely help that much but MAN does it ruin the fun of a game.
What about built to last it got a huge buff a while ago
Overcharge is 5% additional loss to the skillcheck default 10%, so a missed Overcharge skillcheck is 15% loss, not 5%.
windows is good when playing solo. it allows you to see all the pallets your teammates drop instantly.
You should make videos on the least to most intelligent killers and survivors, I think that would be pretty interesting
do u have a second channel?
Franklin Fall the most annoying perk
It's so sad what happened to WGLF. It encouraged people to make risky and dangerous plays for their teammates in exchange for more bp. But since ~the bloodpoint grind got nerfed~ BHVR in it's infinite wisdom decided it should no longer reward bp for altruism. Then why even fucking try? Why even bother pulling off game winning stunts at the cost of your own ability to play the game in exchange for more of a reward? The only people who see stunts like that being pulled off are youtubers' and streamers' fanbases. So why bother for the majority of regular joes to put in more work than it's worth?
Boil over is such a stupid degenerate perk. A survivor just runs to an upper level of a map and/or a deep corner of a map and you can’t hook them. I have to slug them and leave them there for 4 minutes, it’s absurd
Im excited seeing Boil Over in this list. There was a game in Red Forest Temple, i was up the stairs in the temple and the basement was also down there. I let me hit there and killer couldnt get me in the basement actually 3x in a row because he jumped down always. I made him waste so much time
For the algorithm <3
I really don't understand windows of opportunity at all. I don't get why people think it's so good. I can always tell where windows are, why would I need a perk for it?
Has there been a hero to zero perk video?
Dead Hard is nerfed! Yay! – Killers
2 weeks later
Dead Hard still good with player that have good timing – Killers
You forgot kindred when kindred came out it only actvated when you were on the hook
when the perks first come in:
This perk makes you move %0000000000000.1 faster
when buff:This perk now makes you fly, insta gen, insta gate open and also allows you to buttfu.k the killer.
Lighthorne. As I seem to keep coming up against bully squads
People that use Franklin s demise deserve hot pillows
Be able to gain tokens/usage back on Distortion and Lucky Break have made them, in my experience and opinion, much more useful to run. I run Distortion in my regular build.
Do you think an Antlers Chapter would be a good idea?
I think small game needs a buff to get rid of a token when the killer runs hex pentimento and add a token when they use shattered hope. I also think small game should show the survivor how many hexes are in the game 🙂
Power struggle imo was a situational perk before it’s buff!
Where is distortion?!
Still love wake up being broken twice. Both times making it almost inarguably the strongest perk in the game 😂
I once had two survivors on ironworks abusing boil over. They kept running up to the room at the top of the main building and getting downed. I wound up just bleeding them out.
Boil over is ungodly good on any indoor map
Hi Azhymovs, no matter how long you'll be gone from youtube, you'll never be a Zero for me. You'll always be a Hero.
I would still rather WGLF and some random killer perk retain their BP effects. That way we can at least get some options if we wanted.
We're Gonna Live Forever literally always had the "flashlight and pallet saves grant tokens" aspect of it, it was just clarified in the perk's description.
You didn’t have to bully that killer in the windows section
Lethal Pursuer is a strong pretender for the list!
It was never bad since it’s release, but a somewhat mediocre perk working mostly on killers who could traverse fast enough from the get-go.
But since 6.1.0 Lethal feels like the daddy of all killer aura-read, it’s synergy both with perks like Floods of Rage and Barbecue and add-ons like Black Incense is wonderful, definitely best aura-read perk in the entire game now.
How about top 10 best Survivor pants/skirts for a future video
love seeing your new videos!