Every core profession spotlight, build and overview for Guild Wars 2. Overview includes their profession mechanics, skills, traitlines, weapons, game modes and elite Specializations.
0:00 The Natural Wrath of Tyria
Leveling Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGQAYlZwyYeMNGJOqS9rPA-e
5:32 The Mechanical Genius
Leveling Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAQlFwOYasQWJO8PuJNA-e
12:07 The Stalwart Protector
Leveling Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWwAEl7lZwQYXsJ2IO0L9rKA-e
18:20 The Ravaging Death
Leveling Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAc2ZlFwoYcsJ2IOqPVrSA-e
24:09 The Unseen Assassin
Leveling Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PaABoqxjlZw2YiMM2IW2TbrLA-e
30:26 The Invoker of the Mists
Leveling Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAwyZldQMMHyj1QdsHij9RksAigluk+6G-e
36:24 The Illusionary Showstopper
Leveling Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiwAExzlVwmYXMP2JOSLdrMA-e
43:20 The Lone Wanderer
Leveling Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAENlFwoYZsQGKO0L2nuRcF-e
48:58 The Furious Gladiator
Leveling Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAEd7lJwmYhMFWJOULaLXA-e
Hey there Youtube I am the Caffeinated Dad and I love Guild Wars 2! One of the best MMO’s out there! Grab a cup and listen in!
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Enjoy this compilation of each and every core profession spotlight. Each highlighting the class, it’s features, mechanics and playstyle.
Guild Wars 2 best profession, End of Dragons elite specializations, best classes in Guild Wars 2, Elementalist, Whats Wrong with the elementalist? Worst profession in GW2, elementalist Updates, June Patch Update, june 28th patch, balance patch, worst balance patch? Guild Wars 2 Steam Release, Gw2 guardian, gw2 thief, gw2 warrior, gw2 ranger, gw2 revenant, gw2 engineer, gw2 necromancer, gw2 mesmer, gw2 elementalist, Best MMORPG 2022, Best MMORPG Ever!, MMO 2022, Gw2 catalyst, gw2 willbender, gw2 untamed, gw2 bladesworn, gw2 harbinger, gw2 virtuoso, gw2 mechanist, gw2 specter, gw2 vindicator
#guildwars2 #mmorpg #professionspotlight #gw2 #endofdragons #gw2classes #caffeinateddad #caffeinated
Only Firebrand
Please sir make necromancer your first class. Pet Master is really good. Necromancer are good for everything. Don't make elementalis. Make necromancer pet Master. Don't make elementalis. This not good advice for New players. If you are new make necromancer.
in case you were confused you'll want to skip to 36:29 🙂
Thx for this summary! Now, I am waiting for elite specs spotlights 💪 I started playing GWsome time ago… ele was my first char but never leveled it to max, so many buttons… was very fun, but not for my fingers I guess 🙁 Now I am thinking of returning to the game and start again. Don't know what to choose: ranger or mesmer or even another chance for ele. Those classes seems mot fun for me :>
great video
Gained subscriber amazing content ❤️🙌
As an ele main, I'm disappointed that you didn't go over downstate strats…
Seriously though: this is a great overview of the classes! Thank you!
"Guardians never retreat" ah, the days when the shout Advance was called Retreat. I can still hear my guardian scream retreat. It's burned into my mind.
great job
Elementalist : swap elements to fit the need of any given moment
We wish! Because they need to constantly change element to be effective at all.
Their abilities are nerfed in damage or cooldown to force element change,
Jack of all trades, master or none.
I just started playing but want to play all of them. Oof.
Guardian for life!
Warrior and guardian for life!!! 💪💪💪
Elementalist is the best mage type profession not only in this game but in MMORPGs in general
Got all play all xd currently zerg melting scrapper Xd
I'm more "active" on my guardian but I always have a sweet spot for the first class I played, elementalist.
The best part about turrets is when you detonate them in condition fields they create secondary affects like splashing extra healing potion on friendlies or blinding enemies or creating a fire shield from burning ground.