How Cyberpunk Edgerunners Succeeds Where 2077 Failed

How Cyberpunk Edgerunners Succeeds Where 2077 Failed
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Cyberpunk 2077 is still a massive disappointment after update 1.6. Edgerunners, on the other hand, is a surprisingly good tie-in anime, exceeding everyone’s expectations. Let’s compare their stories and characters.


#cyberpunk2077 #cyberpunkedgerunners #syntheticman

0:00 Intro
2:56 Cyberpunk 2077 Act 1
11:02 Edgerunners Act 1
17:34 Comparing the Story Setups
20:51 Cyberpunk 2077 Act 2
31:34 2077’s Characters
43:21 Edgerunners Act 2
48:09 Edgerunners’ Characters and Comparison to 2077
52:35 Cyberpunk 2077 Act 3
1:07:12 Edgerunners Act 3
1:16:10 Conclusion

“Newer Wave” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


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About the Author: Synthetic Man


  1. I don't understand the comparison with 2020 rather than red. The game has more in common with red since obviously a lot has changed and been balanced since 2020 aged like spoiled milk

  2. I strongly disagree with some of your major points, and I'd argue that act 1 and 2 aren't that much different in theme as you make them sound. Personally I find the narrative of the game to be pretty present throughout the whole game, and even more so in some of the side content. But besides that I thought this was a very well put together video and you made some go criticisms of a game I've wholeheartedly come to love.

  3. Everyone praises edgerunners, okay. I, on the other hand, can't wrap my head around direction of going full ham for episodes 8+. Like, half of episode 7 was fantastic, but after that, it feels like i'm watching some crazy stuff like FLCL or Dead Leaves. Like.. it just went full bonkers. Ep 8-9-10(?) just don't fit.

  4. I dont agree with david having low empathy. He does what he does at the beginning, exactly because he is guilty about his mother having to work so much for him, so he uses backstreet ripperdoc to at least try and relieve at least some weight off her shoulders. How he processes her death isnt really That weird. Some people cry, some people scream. I dont think it depends that much on empathy.

    Later, he keeps risking his life for others whenever he can and he cares about his crew. Sure, he gets cocky and his ego grows to big, but even in this state his priority is still his friends, not himself. He always puts others before himself. How does a person with high empathy should act? Cry over every death and be super emotional and unstable?

  5. Nah, the game is pretty much amazing and much better than this rushed mid tearjerker anime with very basic and shallow characters in every way imaginable. This video basically has double standards written all over it.

  6. Honestly, I was never invested in the game to begin with. I remember a couple of kids back in high school that were constantly talking about Cyberpunk in class. One asked me what I thought about the trailers and stuff, I told him "They're promising a lot. It looks like an ambitious game."
    "Right? It's going awesome."
    "That's why it'll suck."
    "WHAT? How do you figure?"
    "The game is going to be hyped to shit, probably get delayed a couple times, release, and fail to deliver the promises. It's been in development hell for a while now."
    Dude then proceeded to scoff and tell me I had no clue what I was talking about. Seems I was correct. Not like we see this shit happen all the time in the gaming industry or anything, not at all.

    I still haven't played it.

  7. So, I played it again the last few weeks. I think the story is good/unique. Really like the characters in the game and shows Night City as a hell of a place to live. Just don't like how narrow the RPG elements of how the game was supposed to be.

  8. Honestly Adam Smasher felt more realistic in the anime than in the game. Top of the line cyborg is weaker than a Bodyguard and has less impressive cyber ware despite being the strongest one with far more cybernetics.

    Tabletop? Boss. Anime? Rio your head off and laugh boss. Game? Please don't beat me to death with a baseball bat. I am supposed to be deadly.

  9. It's rare that a game handles a dying protagonist well. I think Red Dead 2 is one of the few good examples, the way you watch Arthur Morgan come to terms with it and put everything in order.

  10. 2077, Edgerunner and 2020 are not the same media. Don't expect the same rule to apply for each. The constraints of TTRPG, video game and anime are completely differents. Apples to apples. Sure, cyberpsychosis is a nice concept, but in game i'm not sure it would translate greatly in 2077. Many of your criticism are valids but some of your arguments are wonky or simply disingenuous. You sound too much like a frustrated disappointed player that hopped in the hypewagon and who is now on a power trip on the hate train because CDPR predictably failed to deliver a predictable impossible overhyped masterpiece.
    Sure, 2077 have many flawns but it's not the disaster some cry it is. It is still a good game, could have being much much more.

  11. I do want to explain something since you seemed to have missed it.

    The reason Adam beat David so easily by the end of show is because David was way beyond his limits. No more drugs to give him just a smidge of stability to keep fighting. His mind and body are broken beyond repair and by that point, it was just easy street for Adam. Adam even pointed this out himself when he started beating David to a bloody pulp.

    Good video though, was really good to see the comparisons

  12. Tbh I thought Cyberpunk 2077 was a utter unsalvageable pile of garbage but not quite. Here's what I mean, imagine if this pile of garbage was a purposefully crashed and set on fire Lambo or w/e you'd expensive thing you'd like. In it's former form it was a beautiful and fast car but now it's worthless and while it's technically possible to put it back together would you really want to invest time, money and effort to fix it? So it is with Cyberpunk 2077. While they could technically go back and fix it, it's not worth it and it wouldn't make much of a difference now.

    I really can't believe people enjoyed this and I wondered myself if I'm being too harsh and out of touch or people do in fact go for garbage.

  13. I think David just had a different way of coping with his mother's death than crying. It being anger and revenge which is very human.

    And David definitely did care about his mother's troubles. The reason he didn't get the proper upgrade for school wasn't because they didn't have the money, it was because David was trying to save his mom some extra cash by getting a cheaper one.

    David's empathy stat was so high that for the entirety of Edgerunners he was trying to fulfill his mother's dream, Lucy's dream and Maine's goals all while not even forming his own. I think that's why David was special

  14. 1:10:50 actually the car physics is a bit of a Studio Trigger “F U next time let us do our jobs” to CDPR.

    Initially they said the car physics were supposed to be very clean and actually quite smooth – think almost Tokyo Drift smooth.
    However, CDPR said these weren’t representative of the “ingame” physics – I.e. they slightly tried to hype up their ingame vehicle physics by implying them to be much much smoother and less weird than they already are – so when forced to change the meet this, ST decided “well if they want their ingame physics represented…” well we see they took the ingame physics and game them a full frontal showing – slightly exaggerated but in many ways this shit was stuff you could find happening to people cars at the very start of its release.

    Also at the end there, that wasn’t Lucy picturing him randomly. That was literally her remembering him from their shared time in the BD scene.

  15. Man what is there to say about Cyberpunk 2077, other than it was a huge disappointment and that i would never reinstall it, bug were never the problem and in the grand scheme of things are inconsequential to the game biggest issues, the red flags should had been raised when they sneakily changed the game from an RPG to an "Action Adventure" game on their twitter and refused to elaborate about it (this in retrospect explains what was going on when a bunch of people left the company due to creative differences).
    In the end Cyberpunk ended up being a boring game, with no immersion to speak of, with no freedom of being who you want to be, no freedom on how to resolve or move through the story as most of the things you can chose to do are completely inconsequential in the long run, your background is inconsequential, your friendship with Jackie is inconsequential, your rise to fame and power also inconsequential, fixing bugs would had never fixed Cyberpunk at it's core.
    Meanwhile titles like Shadowrun had been and are superior to Cyberpunk in every way shape and form, while there is a main story you must follow on (as they're more like one-shot campaigns) you have much more freedom on how to build your character, on how to behave, on who you ally yourself with and the characters in general in the games (Shadowrun Returns, Shadowrun Shadowfall and Shadowrun Hong Kong) are much more rich and engaging than the ones in Cyberpunk, they feel like real people with ideals, opinions, ambitions and fears, they open up to you the more you talk to them and you can have engaging conversations with them of which Cyberpunk never provided, hell even Shadowrun on Sega Genesis is an incredibly well adaptation of the source material compared to Cyberpunk, while it lacks a lot of the love put into their later titles i still believe Shadowrun in Genesis trumps Cyberpunks in terms of character freedom, the story being that your brother dies during a run and you should find out what happen to him, but you're never on rails to anything you can spend your entire time doing runs for people, upgrading your gear and abilities slowly so you can move to the next tier of jobs and while it has it's faults as it's a really old game i think it captures what Cyberpunk couldn't, the adrenaline of wanting to do jobs to become the greatest Runner and this doesn't come from the story, it's not mandated by it, instead it comes from gameplay alone.

  16. The anime is fantastic; it deserved 1~2 more eps to give it a better pace, though. Also, Rebecca is best girl. And I love Rebecca. And now I have a Rebecca shaped hole in my heart.

    Now, about people praising the game recently, is because lots of people are being introduced to the genre through it. It's their only frame of reference other than the anime, and they didn't got exposed to the years of false promises. The game itself is good, not the game of the century that was promised, and definitely not the best it could have been, even without the promises, but good. And that's what people are seeing. They promised you the best RPG experience of your life. New players are being promised a game in the universe of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners.

    About some plot holes, I would bet that the reason you can't record stuff with your eyes might be because cdpr didt want people to think they could play as a media? Like, make harder for people to realize the "multiple classes promise" was kind of a lie?

    And I think what Judy did was modify a doll implant, so I guess that's the revolutionary thing, but yeah, V even goes "Wow Judy, ever thought of selling this?" like combat chips don't exist. Oversight from CDPR, maybe?

    Also, you get attacked by Arasaka's assassins, not some chromed nomad. The guy has "Arasaka" written on his back and even calls Takemura a traitor.

    I guess translating a ttrpg to a videogame still something too complex for what we have today, wouldn't say impossible, but definitely is a harder process than other productions.

    Also, Adam from the anime is what he should always be, the Adam from the game is the problem. Keep in mind, Adam in the ttrpg is the reason lots of parties get wiped. The problem is not that David was too strong, making Adam look like the devil incarnate because of the anime powerleveling, that's just what you should see and expect of Adam.

    And a thing about cyberpsycosis, seems like, even in universe, people don't really understand it. You can have some military grade implants and be relatively fine, like some war veterans on the aldecaldo clan, but have people with a simple kiroshi implant going crazy. The cyberware seems to be an accelerant of a condition that gets worse as your mind goes to shit due to the harshness and shitness of this hell of a world. Shame it didn't got properly implemented in the game.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say that I love Rebecca very much. Thank you.

  17. The game is actually very good, the only thing that really held it back was the glitches and bugs. The side stories are fantastic, better than the main missions at times, and the main quest is a sort of redemption story that ends in a very cyberpunk way with someone being uploaded to the network (so to speak).

  18. David was literally on his last legs when facing Adam smasher, he was already in the process of dying, on top of that Adam Smasher in EdgeRunners is a one man army who shrugs off most weaponry and even the uber overpowered gravity attacks, so yeah pretty believable i'd say that David struggles against him at that point. I do agree some things in the last episode are over the top and that's more attributed to Triggers style and "rule of cool". Overall great video man!

  19. This isn't exactly a pro, but in defense of purely the game itself, even if the experience may suck you can thank Heaven and Earth that it has official mod support.

    Adds lots of replayability, extra content, and a good reason to stick around–especially when that modding community is as active as CP2077's is.

  20. Cyberpunk was a great game with emotional moments.
    Reddit tier midwits just didn’t get it until they had a cute anime.
    The narrator with the shit taste still doesn’t get jt. Cyberpunk 2077 has an awesome storyline and plot. A nuclear rockstar terrorist in your brain. Libtards won’t like that though they bootlick

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