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Japan In Crisis Yen Hits Critical 150 Against The Dollar | They will Dump Us Bonds
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Michael Cowan is not A financial adviser. The information provided in this video is for general information only and should not be taken as financial advice. There are risks involved with stock market or other asset investing and consumers should not act upon the content or information found here without first seeking advice from an accountant, financial planner, lawyer or other professional. Consumers should always research companies individually and define a strategy before making decisions. Michael Cowan is not liable for any loss incurred, arising from the use of, or reliance on, the information provided by this video.
In 1982 it was half its current value, it will be okay
The largest creditor country's currecy gets this cheaper. A crazy world. US dollar shortage is the cause. Most of us don't get it, because we believe tons of us dollars have been "printed"
That intro tho
Every time I go to Japan I'm blown away by how cheap everything is, all food, all meat and staples and so much cheaper than the U.S. Ready made sandwiches and food less than a buck. No other place like it.
Just realised today that the grass is green on the other side. Yes I say Governments lost track of financial deals and it's to late to fix it only the Earth war and it's connections of the end of the World. Rapture today for faithfuls and angels are singing and witnessing
Excellent work MC hammer👍 it’s hammer time🥂
I think we all fucked
Japan will eventually be a colony of China.
Had enough with this "world is coming to an end" soothsayer who has been predicting the world would end yesterday daily bullshit – REACH FOR UNSUBSCRIBE
The Reserve Banks and the printers of money (Post Office), can actually be prosecuted for Fictitious Conveyance of Language on banknotes!!
If the note says $1 or One Dollar…that is the correct amount to be redeemed when passing that note to whosoever shall take it.
If you ask for One Dollar and only receive $0.67 cents value for a One Dollar note……there is FRAUD taking place!!!
Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today.
People don't realize just how small the world really is.. that's our neighbors house expoding in fire.. and we don't even care!!
Sacrificing their currencies to save the market: think about that.
Japan will have the inflation it always wanted, everything will cost double soon.
My $1 bills identify as $100 bills. So I’m good. 2022 is great.
If you watch the movie Black Rain, they show you how Japan solved it's fiscal problems since 1989…they printed! "Whoever has the two plates, their problems are solved".
Wow even Japan is dumping U.S. bonds
Cayman Islands 5th lol. Thats not Shady at all…
I live in Japan.
3% inflation? heck no.
A lot of stuff has increased by 20%,30% and even 50%!
I'm a foreign living in Japan, and I'm thinking of leaving Japan because this doesn't look good at all.
Oz $ strong, stop being stop grubby with your videos, fear monger. flippy flop flop you suck dude.
You said that govts keep making the same mistakes well actually ,the one thing govts. have proven themselves to.excell in is making mistakes its what they love to do apparantly!
When I first went to Japan from South Korea in Feb 1999 the yen was 15X South Korean won. Now it’s 10X. I haven’t been there for 15 years. I loved Japan and went there six times between 1999 and 2007. But they didn’t love me or my South Korean money which they refused to change at the bank. They would not accept my South Korean Exchange bank credit card or allowed me to use my South Korean bank card to get money from an ATM. The last time I passed through was Jan 2012. It was the same. I was at an airport for a few hours changing planes and took the subway into a village and saw McDonald’s. I was hungry but too bad. All I had was South Korean money as I hadn’t expected to be there so long and of course credit card and bank card wouldn’t work. I went back hungry to the airport and waited until my flight. Moral? Always carry some American money. That has worked for me in Turkey, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Slovenia, Laos. They will always take that and it has gotten me out of some close jams especially Bulgaria Christmas 1990. If I didn’t have $5 US to pay a taxi to take me to the train station I’d still be there. Strange at the train station they wouldn’t take Bulgarian money. I just got on the train and never bought a ticket returning to Greece. I have never been back. Almost exactly the same in Macedonia where I paid a taxi driver $5 US to take me across the border to Greece. Never went back there either. In Slovenia a border guard on the train wasn’t going to let me in the country until I showed him a $100 US bill in my wallet. Then it was OK. If you go to Japan take American money.
Just more lies here
Japan was finished when the US moved all the electronics jobs over there .
Called it!
Rapture of Born-again is The Answer
Rapturo in Latin
Harpazo in Greek
Holy flip flop has given me an idea as an entrepreneur. When people can't afford shoes , I am going to open a shop selling air flip flops.
It's the Rothschild's, they're causing all of this koas and crazy times around the world
Do you know whats really happening?
Thanks Mate
<Nice video, I really appreciate your clear and simple breakdown on financial pitfalls! I lost so much on crypto but now making around $9000 -$12,000 every week trading different on stock and crypto currencies
So much for FX being recession proof!