Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.
If you would like for me to narrate your personal NDE, feel free to email me at heavenawaitsyou2@gmail.com
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For more NDE narrations, please see below.
I Died And Saw Emerald And Purple Beings | Near-Death Experience | NDE
I Died And Saw My Previous Lives | Near-Death Experience | NDE
I Died And Met The Angel Lamdiel | Near-Death Experience | NDE
John 17 in the Bible is a beautiful prayer from Jesus who came down from the glorious heavenly realm. It describes the purpose, plan, will and practical knowledge of why God is eager to have a relationship with us. He knows that we on our own cannot attain to such glory and status, so, HE initiates, invites, blesses, saves, heals, sets free, reveals the future, and gives us overwhelming joy from His presence even now upon the earth until Heaven is our eternal now. Have you invited Him into your heart and to help you throughout this life? I have at the age of 5, and have never turn back and I'm almost 50. To God be the glory.
This is a very informative NDE VIDEO thank you.
She says hell does not exist and as someone with "gifts" from God, let me gently say she is erroneous in that regard. Yes, there definitely exists a hell where those who pursued evil on this earthly plane go to. God is a loving God but also a just one. I wish her well throughout her life's journey.🕊️
I love this channel so much. I was so trusting and learned the hard way just like her. I had the most perfect experience with an anesthetist though he was young but when he gave me the epidural, I was relieved and there were no problems … my experience with wisdom teeth removal was awful. My Valium was stolen from me in My own house though I needed it because I was throwing up blood and anxious as well… there is a David in my life rn that is my friend my SO is a scientist and I have a successful son… I believe the same about awakening.
I believe there are many dimensions. Jesus said: God's house has many mansions (or something like that). There's room for all of us there and we don't need to go to hell. When I said, there is no hell, then I said there is no hell to me. Please don't chose hell. The evil / satan etc has no power if you don't give it. It is no opposition to God and love. Don't give it your power as it has no power without you. Free yourself from the negative. and follow goodness, love, compassion, kindness etc. But forgive yourself when you make mistakes . We all do as we're human. God has already forgiven us, now forgive yourself. Do not be seduced by evil /satan and hell won't exist for you either.
St. John's Wood is one of the best places in London. Loved your story btw
Yours,O Lord ,is the Greatness ,the power and the glory ,the Victory and the majesty ; for all that is in Heaven and in earth is yours. 1 chronicles 29:11. Dear Lord, You give power to the weak and increase their strength I thank You that I am the beneficiary of that .Help me to never forget your Power to redeem,save restore ,and renew. Amen ❤️🙏🏻
Do you mean you've dreamed a dream in times gone by?
So encouraging. I felt your absolute truth. Kindest wishes. Much love and light. Georgina
I believe in God our Heavenly Father. I do believe in life after death! But so many likes? I'm highly disappointed! This person tells more about her than we all know…. old news. Then the Bible says there is a hell where you will burn for ever, according to him she said there is no hell. So except for the stories since she was 23yrs old…. did you got info from hospital to make this video of a "vision" of her? I'm praying that she is in heaven because she was a beautiful woman inside and outside. But really I don't swallow your story!
What does fish have to do with the story ???
Thank you for this lovely story! I enjoyed it. The only part i wish wasn't included is where she says there is no hell on the other side. I think its ok to say "i did not see or experience hell" because many many others have had NDEs where they experienced hell.
So Wonderfully written! You are a Beautiful Soul. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
Very nice I loved this one & felt it was genuine. Ty for another adventure 😉
Thank you so much. That was a beautiful story. The angel sounds awesome!
What a sweet experience she had on the other side! However, I feel that by saying there is no hell, just because one didn’t experience or see that, invalidates all those who have had a hellish near death experience.
I love your videos and you voice is very soothing. Thank you for the great content!
Beautiful comforting experience! Thank you for sharing
I tuned in to hear future prophecy… what a rip off
I wonder why some NDE’ers come back saying there is no hell while others say there is. The only thing I can think is that they aren’t given complete knowledge or aren’t allowed to remember everything, so they come back with their own ideas or interpretations. Not that what she experienced isn’t real. But her experience simply revealed nothing about hell. Just my thought.
Yas kween get into it
One of the best I luv it, thanks for sharing
Thank you for sharing 💖 I was wondering if you saw other coming events yet to happen??
I listenned to this entire video and didn't hear anything about princess Diana. Did I miss it? I had a dream of meeting Diana in heaven in one of the mansions there. We sat and talked while a lot of ladies had gathered there for a tea party. All the ladies were enjoying a tea party. Diana was very nice to me in heaven.
This is truly amazing. I always get bits and pieces or " remembering " when I listen to these. This one Strikes a cord that resonates through out my soul . Thank You to the person for sharing this with us!
You believe in the words of Jesus yet do not believe in hell. In your mind did he only tell half-truths then? Because he taught more on hell than ANYONE else in scripture. Just curious how you explain that away. By the way, I also met God once and was given a prophetic encounter regarding a marriage and divorce I would be part of. I was not allowed to stay, but did enquire the way back and was told New Testament books of the Bible. So once understanding that Jesus was the way then I have to accept that there is also an evil presence, Satan, and his house and all those who choose to follow his path will spend eternity in his house instead of God's.
How can she say "there is NO hell" when others has said & shared THEY have been there? What makes "her" experience true and "theirs" not?🤔 I think God shows people, who died but are coming back, what He wants them to see… to complete their purpose on earth. "I" don't think you get to see ALL of Heaven until you died and are not coming back to earth again. I'm glad she made up with her Mother and learned a lot of life's lessons.
He said Love is all there is, End of Story !!!!
Those outside the tunnel may be those we hear about who go to the void and see only darkness but feel peace? Those who perhaps are not sure if God exists or not and carry this with them past death, but that haven't lived bad lives shunning any light (those go to hell from what i can tell)?
Thank you, Lee, for your wonderful work!
Like your videos Lee thumbs up 👍
I forgot to put in my story that I was in a classroom to contemplate my upcoming tasks , and life if I chose to come to earth. The classroom was all white but there was no ceiling. Still it had 4 white wall and lots of tables and chairs like a proper classroom but I was the only person in it. I knew I was there to contemplate it over and I was there till I got kind of bored with my own company. That seems weird to say but that's what it felt like. I then appeared before the councel of 4 who advised me again without pushing me to go. But it would be good for me to go at that time if I did and so I chose to go. Being reluctant up till the time of birth and once born thought: well I am here now. No going back now and I better get on with it. This was straight after birth. I don't mind being ridiculed, I am just interested in telling you my experience coming from my full truth and understanding of it.
I do believe in her story filled love and understanding
Thank you! Just hearing this experience was enlightening to me. God Bless you all. Much love.
Lee you called her name m. At the end of her story she said there is no devil. I am wondering why she made that statement. Is it because she did not get the experience the evil side because of her good nature beforehand?
Although I liked the NDE part, I stopped the video at 15
The fact is that no, “we” are not all love.
We do not all go to Heaven.
Plenty of NDE’s verify this reality.
Be VERY Careful, True Christians!
Not every NDE, comes from Heaven
I totally believe her story..
God bless all
Prophetic knowledge was not conveyed here. More like glimpses into future events. "Prophetic" is click bait title.
I've been listening to a lot of NDE stories since my mom passed about 2 months ago. Before she passed, she suffered greatly and I tried to ease her mind from fear beforehand, since I believe I had a NDE about 10 years ago. I never saw my body or entered a void. I don't think there was a tunnel of light, but i was carried off instantly to a beautiful meadow with a beautiful stream, where I spoke with beings with whom I felt intense love and connection. I can't say who they were or what we spoke about specifically, but we spoke at great length about life, its secrets, how I needed to return because it wasn't my time, and how I wouldn't get to remember much of it… and they were very familiar to me. One moreso than the other. I felt like they were males, but perhaps they weren't. The warmth and comfort, the vivid colors and peaceful feeling; peace like I've never felt otherwise. These are the most vivid memories of the experience. I was only out for less than a few minutes, but it felt much longer than that. When I returned, I felt alien to this world. The feeling crept over me for about a day or so. I often wonder if my brain was just releasing hormones due to the stress of a sudden collapse, where I stopped breathing and cracked my head. I was given CPR and returned quite quickly according to my friends. I've always been pretty healthy. I wonder if it was truly a NDE. I believe in God and don't fear death, not because of the experience, but because I always knew there is a peace that awaits us and God is ever loving and good. I tried to explain this to my mom before she passed. She nearly died twice before she finally did. She had terrible experiences, similar to night terrors during those moments. I pray I can connect and know she's ok somehow; that she was carried off with God and knows peace now. She was a believer and a prayer warrior. I've always been lacking in religious zealousness. If anyone should be there, it should be her. Anyway, thanks for all you guys are doing by sharing personal experiences and narrating. It brings me comfort and it's interesting to hear everyone's unique, but somewhat consistent stories. Makes me feel less crazy anyway.
I find her NDE fascinating and beautiful. I truly love hearing all the different experiences people have and how they are all different for each person but yet still similar. That may not make sense to some people. Sometimes its hard to find the right word's. And I enjoy hearing these as it is just another little reminder that what we have and do here doesn't end here. And it helps me to try to do and be the best version of myself while I'm here and to work on my relationship with Jesus Christ
I liked your video! Have you by any chance gotten a prophesy by God on whether President Trump will be our President again in 2024? Our Country is going through awful turmoil now, and I would just like to know. Thank you for sharing.
We have to learn to trust and obey God as He has revealed Himself in the Bible. But trusting people? Not so much, because not all are trustworthy. With people we have to be patient, kind and forgiving – discerning and cautious, too
Hi Lee, this one resonates with me because I am a twin too. Why would I do this when there is no relationship between us. I haven't seen her since our mum's funeral etc etc are we supposed to have one being identical n all?
I believe this person had her NDE experiences and I can tell she believes it. I understand. That said when you quote scripture and then say “Hell” doesn’t exist that makes me scratch my head. She wants to quote Jesus yet dismisses how Jesus preached on Hell by saying it doesn’t exist?? To me that doesn’t make sense. Just something to think about.