CAUGHT ON CAM!? Top 5 Scary Shadow Figures, Ghosts & Supernatural Monsters! | JK Bros REACTION!

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CAUGHT ON CAM!? Top 5 Scary Shadow Figures, Ghosts & Supernatural Monsters! | JK Bros REACTION! JK Bros React to these top 5 scary shadow figures, ghosts, poltergeist activity and other supernatural monsters caught on camera. Are these REAL or FAKE?

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#ScaryGhostVideos #ScaryReaction #JKbrosReaction


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About the Author: JK Bros


  1. that was one of the best videos kosta chose at the end 🤣🤣🤣

    kosta: "yo you have issues bro this movie is disturbing bro"


    ya'll have me dying 🤣 it wasnt scary but i couldnt stop laughing

  2. Hey jk Bros i Love your reactions especially Pop smoke ones.
    I wanted to ask u if u could react to Rondodasosa Loubuiton he is an Italian rapper That has a mad voice pls plssssss

  3. I'm glad i decided to give you guys a chance back when you only had around 10k subscribers. It's been a great journey and it's far from over. Love you bros. Congratulations on the much deserved 400k

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