Not everybody is privileged enough to get their hands on a boat. That privilege also comes with the responsibility of not sinking yourself or others! Today, we’ve compiled 35 clips of idiots driving boats.
If any of the clips are yours and you would like it removed, please email before taking any action.
I will gladly take down the video. ReasoningBEHIND@representative.com
Me after watching the entire video
7:57 is why you're here. You're welcome.
Professional boat racers in a race are not idiots
These people obviously no nothing about boating.
do you really have to call them "idiots" like cmon man people make mistakes
@ 2:15 ….like a glove 😂😂😂
My lord ppl should be careful they are in the water not driving a car online 😘
Hello Captain Obvious is that you?
1:14 it was easily avoidable. They were either not looking or were unable to see them due to the sail being in the way. They are sailing very close to the wind, all they needed to do was let the main sheet out a bit, turn away from the wind and duck underneath them. If instead they did want to stop they would have had to just turn further into the wind and they would have stalled dead in the water.
Complete waste of my time watching
3:50 and 4:20 were both on the island Sint.Maarten
Less narrator..more flotation devices
Came for boat towing fails. Stayed for the huuuuuuge… tracks o' land
Complaining about a boat making waves is Karen activity
A tunnelhull wiping out during a race hardly constitutes an idiot driver. Clickbait.
2 of these clips were 'planned' in advance, and 1 was hydrodynamic physics. The small boat hitting the sand bar at speed was intentional, in the fact all his buddies had their phones out to record it.
Similarly so was the small boat shooting the gap between 2 oncoming boat. Of the same size. At the same speed. At a distance apart to make a good water ramp with the wakes to jump.
And with the sailboats making the turn at the buoy, they were sucked together by low pressure between them. Same theory on how plane wings work
yawn…. 👎
Wow the writer’s for this dialogue must have just finished writing a children’s book.
Look at the boat.
The boat is in the water.
Water is wet.
Watch the boat crash into 3 boats.
See the boat crash?
No one was injured.
Don’t worry kids no one was injured.
3:27 best frozen moment
3:27 if you love rainbows
according to the commentator I have a Yacht instead of a sailboat. Yaa me!
painfully obvious that the commentator stole all of these videos from other channels and knows nothing about boats.
The stupidity of boaters and boat owners can never be underestimated.
Don't you love videos where the narrator is a total idiot without a clue of what he is talking about.
Dumb video. Last picture was fake.
Fucking rich people…no common sense
You don't have a clue of what you're saying wow
As a dockhand, I can confirm that these are idiots driving boats