Nukes Top 5 SCARY videos of GHOSTS caught on camera ! Scary ghosts, creepy apparitions, poltergeists, SCARY tiktok videos, AND ghost hunters investigating HAUNTED houses. As always, we check out the creepiest scary videos on the internet. Paranormal activity, evps, poltergeists, and the supernatural… We gots it ALL!
PIT paranormal ghost hunters perform a paranormal investigation at a haunted house and experience poltergeist activity and witness an apparition. A Japanese ghost hunter explores an abandoned and allegedly haunted house and finds a creepy shadow figure. Two women are all alone in a house when their dogs sense something strange. It turns out that a strange paranormal apparition is slipping through the trees outside in this scary tiktok . A poltergeist investigation in a British house becomes a bit TOO real. And finally- a SCARY encounter with a UFO by a passenger jet over Columbia.
If you enjoyed this top 5 ghost video, you should also check out these other Nuke’s Top 5 parnormal video lists TOP 20 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi0WAVT2KjM
And also!
Top 10 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt7ic6JJNZ4
Nukes Tops 5 Social Media:
Suggest videos: NukesTop5@gmail.com
Twitter: nukestop5
Instagram: nukestop5official
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Reddit: NukesTop5
Hey Nukes top 5……
Why don't you take a peek at the story of 16 year old John Bollewere who died in a car crash on Dec. 27th, 1974 up in St. Paul MN.
Explain the reasons for the phenomenon photographed by Police.
I thought chills and nuke top 5 were the same person 💀
2:54 lmfao pathetic…. thats not a man.. what a coward.
Just a heads-up to the NT5 community. Someone identifying themselves as Nuke is doing some smishing offering a nice new IPhone 14 to "winning" posters to whom Nuke would like to send his love and appreciation.
Of course, it's a total scam to be careful and block this gem of a human being. You'll know what it is the minute you see the text on your phone.
Yo where's the "Top 5 Ghost's caught on camera"
last clip just an meteor
at 2:29 that hand is to real to be paranormal
Keep going bro your channel is entertaining
Takeuchi: runs up to ghost
Ghost: does nothing
Ghost: runs up to Takeuchi
Takeuchi: runs likes a frightened 2 year old
Can we all appreciate the gamer dad's PC? Looks dope.
At 10:43 before the camera pans over to the trees, you can see something small walking across the yard
Just bad cgi
Number 5 is a hoax
#4 seems faked 8:23 I think hes playing a previous recording. Hes moving the camera but the video is steady, how many clear steady videos are there of ghosts? Unless that's a damn good camera.
Say cheesezzuuu
Number 1, that was just my booger guys, sorry for the confusion, didn't mean to scare anyone, lol!
16:33 thats a rolly polly
The boyfriend in the first video is such a coward, sending his girlfriend to challenge something he wanted to do ,
Love your videos Nuke! No nonsense straight to the point and plug your socials at the end the way it should be. Also there was a video a few years ago in what I think was Russia in a old shack where the investigator had some crazy stuff happen with dishes and a sheet that was hanging in front of a closet. Been rewatching everything trying to find it but if anyone can point me to it.
Your vids are getting worse and worse buddy, not gunna lie.
Wearing a bleach hoodie, I like this guy
1st video scripted 😂😂.. Poor acting skills
People should NOT take the Lord thy Gods name in vain! It is blasphemy, disrespectful & a VERY serious sin! 12:48 & 12:54 😣
First video looks fake.
That hand in the wardrobe though
I think the Japanese guy just accidentally played back the recording of himself running to get the picture.
lets put in play that they are moving fast in a airplane, its a balloon sitting still but looks as if its moving because they are
I would've ate a lot of beans, eggs, cheese before, and farted tons in that wardrobe that day just so that I have a good reason to bail, then he would have to do it.😆
that first video is absolute bs imho
Smugpuppy is a fucking joke! Ain’t no way they’re all calm and NOT scared.
the one in Japan is fake, If he were really recording thermal at the time it would have shown a pause and stop button, but watch it again, it shows that he hasn't pushed record which means it's a fake video of a thermal recording of the exact same location
First clip ahhh fishy and there reaction
8:31 there is a high chance that the thermal image on the screen of the phone is actually a screen recording of a set up to make it look like a horror video
The third one with Lauren in TX. She is freaked out but there looks like ther eis something walking right in front of her by the light
Camera is not live, it's a pre-recorded. You can easily tell
Hi nuke, love ur videos but the first clip from PIT is a hoax. There's a difference behind her when she's in the closet, not the same wall
My boiii Takeuchi @ 7:00 🤣🤣🤣 🧀
The one when the girl not her hand hard even that she got scared she done the video but came out a bit harmed and any other girl no offence they or me would not do it.But nukes top five is best ghost youtube channel ever so a very big thank you to give us a bit big or huge spook best channel best videos keep up the good work:)
So the smug puppy guy is literally an idiot for screaming at something he knows has been living with them.
You should never let them know that you know of their existence. They'll try to get your attention because of curiosity but you shouldn't acknowledge them. It will stop after a while .
When you live with those things, you respect them and they'll respect you in turn.
Last think that the pilot saw above the clouds is Goku
It's confirmed , Lauren's back yard is haunted my slenderman 😂
That takeuchi guy is so dumb lmao obviously the ghost was chasing him for not getting his photo right