Harley Quinn Boss Fight – Gotham Knights (#GothamKnights Red Hood Harley Quinn Boss) Taken from our Red Hood GOTHAM KNIGHTS Full Gameplay Walkthrough with No Commentary. Recorded on Playstation 5 4K 60 FPS.
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PLAYLIST: Full Gameplay Walkthrough – No Commentary
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Tweets by RabidRetroG
Serious. You blast two full rounds in her body and she is still up. Seriously? The fight should have been over after 2 seconds.
I haven't played this game yet
But is it just me
Or does Red hood look a little OP! XD
That dialogue is a tad uh… awkward. A vast majority of people don't hold conversation in the same diction they write. It just sounds weird to hear. It isn't technically wrong but you don't really hear that kindof speech and when you do it just sounds off. Like they learned the language from a class and haven't spent enough time speaking to people with it.