From a real mysterious event captured in a possibly haunted house to what might be the voice of a ghost caught on camera, we look at real mysterious events caught on camera. #Mysterious #Scary #SlappedHam
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6. Aparece rostro en la estática de cámara super 8 https://twitter.com/SitioParanormal/status/1571553135897853953
5. UNA PASAJERA FANTASMA 😨… https://www.instagram.com/p/CjE5dTQrz98/
4. The Devil Lives Here, In A Dead Raccoon, Inside This Haunted House. SCARIEST PARANORMAL VIDEO(scary) https://youtu.be/8LfuPk2VSJU
3. Matrix glitch? https://www.reddit.com/r/SlappedHam/comments/xmh9tu/matrix_glitch/
2. Weird lights over Kyle Texas on September 24th. No noise… https://www.facebook.com/hope.bible.5/videos/818684319304578
1. investigation at brandy gap tunnel… https://www.reddit.com/r/SlappedHam/comments/xnrxyg/investigation_at_brandy_gap_tunnel_2/
Lightless Dawn by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100655
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
all these are easily explainable, its swamp gas
10:38 that isn't anything paranormal =))) it was a promo for a horror movie
3:08 Agent#D53TC3
We Found Her
I saw the same lights years ago Dec. 2018. Four of them without sound and flew from the east headed north east.
there are certain types of seizures that can make the woman who is smiling oddly act like that
That first one be lookin' like Voldi.
glowy things are satellite!
A for-sure marketing strategy
Its so crazy too see my town on slapped ham!
On the TV it was probably somebody somewhere trying to hack into it
2. Is ball lightning
🤔”Air show?” Thin! Real thin!🙄🙄🙄 🤦♂️🤣
On the tv looks like a young Michael Jackson face.
Non stop fakery not a single legitimate paranormal investigator on tv
10:30 doesn't she look like she is wearing a shirt that say "smile"?
To me, the most convincing bits of evidence for ghosts are like the pic at the end of the video. Ghost hunters ticking down a list of thumps, doors opened, items flung round, shadow dudes, and whispers saying "get out" in a murder voice are perhaps entertaining but not at all convincing. The most unnerving things are more subtle, when your imagination can fill in the blanks.
The audio on this channel is really 👍 good. It's like surround sound with headphones on
The first story reminds me of the movie White Noise with Michael Keaton
01:29 "… it's impossible for us to dig any deeper."
right. because that's what slappedham is known
for. investigating and verifying all their clips to ensure
their authenticity.
I saw her on the side of a bus yesterday in UK. It was an advertisement for the Smile movie.
I do really hope nobody believes these these ridiculous videos show "paranormal" activity, whatever that even means. I watch this with a strange morbid fascination but my blood pressure is always higher by the end. I find myself shouting at my t.v. in disbelief every time Slapped head says "paranormal". This is pain!
This face in 6. looks like Alice Cooper 🤣
Just skip stuff by paranormal investigators please. It really kills the mood.
Weird stuff on this channel. Always interesting to say the least
The woman at the braves game could be having a seizure. Some types look like you are day dreaming or staring off in space and become unresponsive. It is creepy to see sometime. But I know someone that have them. Eventually it became violent physical seizures. But he was I want say 32 before before they became physical, and we learned what was happening when he would zone out. And I do mean completely zone out!! Sometimes lasting 15 minutes. You could speak to him, clap, or click your fingers and get nothing. Then he'd just come back and be like where he left off. Like nothing happened.
Or she's fucking with the camera
the women at the ball game is actually wearing a shirt that says "SMILE" on it. you can make out the top edge of the letters. The UFO's are Apache helecopters.
Man I hate ghost hunters. Id do it for money though. Good money. 99.8% is "professional" ghost hunters talking like they have a college degree explaining what I'm supposedly looking at. Even if some instances are unexplained Sarah the goth chick make me roll my eyes hearing her womansplain it to me. Always throw some emotional shit in there to. A lot of these videos have explanations or what they look like absolutely nothing. Some of them make me wonder though. I believe anything is possible. Sorry guys. Good night
The first clip with the TV and the static looks familiar. The face looks like a snipet from the X FILES TV INTRO.
1st one's fake because what are the odds he started recording the TV for no real reason just before it happened?
I think the woman at the baseball game is experiencing a seizure.
That's exactly what it is it's a very creepy and in very bad taste to drum up the buzz about that new movie
A chids face? Have you ever seen a child? It's also totally fake and not even well done.
The last clip with the supposed UFOs flying in a flight pattern, those are airplanes. I live in the Phoenix area and they were planes that fly in all day long in the exact same flight pattern. You have to look to see if there’s any other colors of lights on them like maybe green lights, red lights, or blue lights but that’s typically how they fly information like that. It’s not an airshow it’s just one airplane coming in after the other.
I live in Kyle TX and I assure you there is NO airport near by.
Loving the bald head. Looks great on ya
Womans voice sound like "I don't know what to say"
Is that Prince Harry next to that still lady at the field? Maybe she is acting like that Dutchess Meghan doll lol.
You should do a vid on the hoosic tunnel in Massachusetts
That is not a child's face…. THATS MICHAEL JACKSON…. RUN…..
The lady at the baseball game, yeah, her tee-shirt says SMILE so the advertizing would be a correct assumption.