Two small dogs abandoned on the streets helpless . (part 2)

Two small dogs abandoned on the streets helpless . (part 2)
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Margie and Anita .. Both very hesitant around people, we can see they want to but fear is keeping them back .
Margie is suffering from erlihia, heartworm and anaplasma. She will be under treatment for more than a month.
Her ear will need treatment for a long time too as the infection was has severe otitis that ruptured the ear drum .
Anita is suffering from erlihia and anaplasma. She too will be under treatment for more than a month. Thankfully she got rescued in time as the pus in her uterus could cost her her life .
They are both young in age and both under 10 kilos dogs .

You can see their rescue video (part 1) here :

Hello, I am Ermioni, and together with Katerina and Fotini, I founded the Diasozo Animal Rescue in Karditsa, Greece. We are rescuing animals that are found abandoned, abused, mistreated and starving, and we are trying to offer them a better life. We are volunteers, and our only resources are donations. We depend on all of you, to help us offer our rescues the life they deserve, so we are grateful for any donation.
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– *HUGE THANKS to Johnathan L Davis, Liz Caplan, nigel ogden, Lawrence Reginald oei, Brigitte Blach, MIG25 MIG31, Joshua James, nissemusse, Lucy Bugea, hilde boon, Ellen Talboom, Tom Rawlings, Helen Vile, Parent Inspections Inc, Jerry Wheatley, Agnes Krygier, Frances Robb, Nhan Le, Eric Siemens, Raina Spazianiand, Carla, Martin Crimes, Danesh Mir, Janet Hoffmeister, Silke Potthoff, Lille Nissepige, Emily Kliemann, Ian Thomas, Ming Hoang, Ruth Challoner,  Cyndi Brewster, Janet Fitzpatrick – Wilks, Monica, Gabriela muehlemann, Douglas Goodall, Christina Jones, Cesar Baldeon, HybridGrid, Marie Jones, Roxana Trejo, Alex McKenna, Nathalie Le Maire, Sheila Moncada, Jules s., Money Train, Annie, Chandra Gosain, Rowena lau, Peter Riddell, ShongLin Zhou, Iris Dorussen, Owen Bevilaqua, Ann Green man, Lille Nissepige, Carlos Arche, Lin Pointer, Σήφης Βαγιωνης, Brita-Heidi Elvatun, Charlie Miller, Jesse Henderson, Pat Rogers, Chris Chrisafis, Gudrum Mirlein, Denise, Sara Havens, Araceli Bouza-Chow, Rosaria Birrane, Matt, Java Resova, Sumayya, Paul Cook, Marta Kozicki, Steven Harbauer, Ann Fritz, Susan Driscoll, Christiane Schluter, Darrin Gross, Uma Meyer, Margie Bellamy, Paul William Osborne, Kathryn Nquyen, Cathy S McDonald, Claudio Torres, Katerina Nicolakopoulos, Jo schwartz, Sara Tester, Cathy Hunnicutt, Doc Bennett, Steve Deiter, Heather Shulman, Vien Nguyen Yvonne Holler Cancer Sun, George Ahladianakis, Joe Zepeda, Ninjakitty104, Kristi Seiter, Jochen Pretli, John Fishburn, Vosaru, Melissa Schicker, Bill Switzer, Ethleen Johnson, Keshav, Susan Maves, Tim Lewis, Susan Berens, Kris Curtis, Daniele Boucher, Lillian Hayes, Anna Bazilevsky, Res,John salines, Tracy Bartel, Jacob and Kristina Federemsser, Godfrey P Miles, Honey Ranario, Sandra Luhnow, Tom McFarland, carla rae aragon, Niel Ohlsen, David Wilson, David Newman, Maryanne Enslow, Florencia Iturra, Kimberly & Pluto, Ines Schibli, Valerie Vozza, Jane Russell, Grazia Sher, Cintweak, Walter F Smith, Trish Dumas, Lyle Kelley, Charlotte Gunter, Jim Strom, YAMIKO, Dixie1911, issacsathish,Laurene Valente , Richard Karschney, Sterling Rodd, Kristine , Lindsay McCoy, Lyster Miraflor , Mike Arnold, EILEEN Koyl, Rowena Lau, John Empfield,Sonam Lhamo, Gregory Gordon and all our patrons!


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About the Author: DAR Animal Rescue


  1. Sometimes when a dog gets lost or abandoned they become fearful of everyone. Even their owners. With those infections they were lucky you speeded up things. Waking up in gentle arms has to be a relief for them. Thanks for sharing

  2. In Tibetan Buddhism there are female Gods equal and at times greater then men. Usnisa Vijyaya Tara etc and wrathful Vajrayogini and Kurekulle. To me these woman are like them but just human form.

  3. What a transformation, they look great, thankyou Ermioni, helpers and vets for making this possible I hope they find a loving home together ♥️♥️♥️♥️

  4. Persone ignobili e senza cuore abbandonare queste anime innocenti come fosse spazzatura Mi fa tantissima rabbia ma un grazie a te sei una persona meravigliosa ❤️🐞🐞🦋🦋😘😘🙋🙋

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