Gotham Knights Man-Bat Boss Fight 4K ULTRA HD

Gotham Knights Man-Bat Boss Fight 4K ULTRA HD
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Gotham Knights Man-Bat Boss Fight 4K ULTRA HD

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  1. I love that the animations show Man Bat move like an actual bat. Excessive wing flapping, crawling on its knuckles, arms in a 90 degree angle when grounded, using the back of its wings to attack (back of some bats' wings are incredibly sharp and sometimes used to fight predators). The dev team definitely did their homework to animate him

  2. A good DLC mission would be one where Kirk's body mysteriously vanishes from the morgue and the Manbat's start going crazy all around Gotham and it's revealed that they for whatever reason are instinctively following someone else's orders and when Krik shows up he shocks the MC by being able to speak and think rationally. Still, this is very good.

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