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Now u should react to all openings onley 1-14 a great idea ! Belive 🙃
And then some people say anime is just for kids….
The LOVE between them 😭😭😭 i cant
What a magnificent arc this was. Love ASL.
i cry more than u that is 4sure ahahaaha shees
Finally I catch up on your latest One Piece reaction vids, I'm done watching all of your One Piece playlist 😍🔥👌.
fun fact: that part at the end of the flashback where luffy sets sail and uses pistol on the sea king is how the first chapter ends off. the anime didn't really adapt that part until this point, since it started off differently. (chapter 1 started off with the roger speech and shanks "flashback", then does a ten year timeskip to luffy starting off his journey in the end.)
Fq Akainu Fq both side of the story. If it was Luffy instead of Ace. I guarantee Garp will choose his blood 💯💯. Luffy n Ace don't swear they were just raise different. Again Fuxk You !!!!Akainu 😎✌️ hahaha
Crocodile and Moriah warned him though. They told Luffy he is nothing more than a rookie that underestimate the sea, and guess what. THEY ARE RIGHT.
Maybe you were thinking of Chopper? He was 15 when he left with the Straw Hats
when's the next reaction video?
That wasn't on episode 1 (anime), it was on chapter one (manga)
20:53 This whole comment is so true. Oda-sensei is great at giving us everyone's point of view which makes it really hard to hate them. There are many who disagree, but I too like the Navy, Admirals and all. If they want to blame someone, blame sensei for making characters like that.
5:32 👀
How fked up would it be if there were centipedes that big in real life lol
can't wait for him to reach dressrosa
I can't recall how many millionth time i've watch this Garp-Dadan scene.. every fcking time, I still got teary-eyed. First time i've watched this scene, I sob like a kid! Such a sad yet so amazing scene!!
Dadan may not be their mother but she is their Mommy!
15:02 Does he know?
Chopper is 15.
MARINEFORD ARC playlist when??!
In Kakashi's terms,Garp is worse than scum
I love ASL flashback so much….
26:20, Shanks talking to Fax: It's okay to cry, men cry too bro.
Garp L. Dadan best mum.
24:10 Garp’s face when Dadan says she’ll take Luffy’s side no matter what kind of pirate he becomes is super telling, imo. Mans spent the boys’ entire lives trying to force them to be like himself and here’s this bandit showing more genuine empathy than he was ever able to muster up. It’s gotta be revelatory, seeing her confidence in their choices despite his own lack thereof. Dadan is still one of my favorite characters ever introduced.
Hey Faxityy, after the Marineford arc and after this chapter watch the Movie 3D2Y of OnePiece it will cover somewhat half of what happend to luffy on that island of women and also at the marine ford ❤❤
Hahaha you're crying hahaaaaaaa
Haaa me too… I've watched this like 528w552721end28 times… Still the same
These episodes make me cry every time!😅 so good.
This is one of my favorite One Piece moments! So happy you enjoyed it and got to share it with us!
This and some moments after catapulted Jinbe to top 3 in my book, the textbook definition of a G
Dadan beating up Garp is my all time favorite moment in OP. People say “Garp couldn’t… ” “Garp had no choice” etc. as Dadan said he chose duty over family. Regardless of consequences, He specifically chose not to do anything same way luffy chose to go and assist Ace ASAP. Garp has crazy feats, is undoubtedly strong and renowned but him not saving Ace will always tarnish him for me. Obv Ace had to die etc for story and plot but Garp failed Ace and it was his active decision.
22:24 reactors always ruin scenes, I love Dandan and her support for luffy.
Dadan is really their mother figure even if she doesn't want to admit it.
Luffy voice actress is frickin GOAT bro 😭
My favorite part is when he paused the video
what makes garps situation so much worse is that he's literally the HERO of the navy he's not like some nobody, hell even a admiral betraying the world government wouldn't be as bad as the fucking HERO of the navy betraying them.
oh no, he talked over the clue he was looking for lmao
I once saw theory that Ace's tatoo asce means that:
A- Ace
S- Sabo(crosed cause he's dead)
C- Crybaby(aka Luffy)
E- Edwart Newgate(Whitebeard)
But in that flashback he has this tatoo at his 17, then he just left Luffy
17:06 .. that was shown since Episode one .. its in the Opening song x'D … ""Biorhythem no ka'attee ~ OMOISUGOSEBA II !!""
I love watch one piece it the best and real good thanks for post this I know it was sad and good but I still watch it the memory of this ep 🥺😁😭