Top 10 Natural Disasters Caught On Camera
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Natura disasters are sometimes very scary
That guy filming that F 3 had balls of steel 💪💪💪🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Poor Planet.
Earth doesn't want us any more… Can't blame her.
What makes us even more guilty is that innocents have to suffer, too… 🐱🐶🐮🌳🌲🌻
trees going down in swamp is NOT a natural disaster, neither is the flat tire that the dumbass started!!! get the FACTS RIGHT before posting—THUMBS DOWN!!!!!
You idiots are laughing when you got super lucky because that avalanche could have buried ya'll in seconds ending your lives.
Coisas da natureza. O ser humano invade suas áreas e sofre as consequências. De Niterói Rio de Janeiro Brasil 🇧🇷
In Germany that’s how islands are made
Camp fire was more destructive. More loss of life, etc. Crazy ass fire
Video number 9 would have had a lovely background music playing, Christopher Crosses " sailing"
"Dayum dude"
لطفك ربي بعبادك الضعفاء
If asking the most stupidest woman , I don’t think anyone could beat this woman ,
ok so I didnt even heared about pakistan here in poland. this shouldt be.
I always wanted lake front property.
i thought this was new? not
Hope that house had built in floating devices. Or flood insurance
Do you guys have a channel named AnkiCoco Memes or is that someone stealing your content?
Aaaarrrggh!!! It’s not tonGa, it’s Tonga!!!
11:00 It is pronounced Tonga not Tong-ga
Let's hope that flooding cleans up Pakistan…..though it likely won't.
Redefines "mobile home". Or "houseboat".
I like how you say a man brave enough to stand in a alley and get the video. I vall it stupid, dumb and completely selfish. He obviously was thinking about money and not the rest.of the people in his life.
Un control nature
Seems like the 1st MASSIVE disaster was more destructive than the 2nd time you showed the same thing. Is that an optical illusion?
I hate the fucking bleeping, just be truthful and honest.
sigh I forgot Alaska had mud/rockslides. I’m never going near the docks again.
Oh I liked living in Louisiana too-
Stehen in der abgehenden Lawine und lachen,was sind das für Geistes Leute ?
I hope that driver got arrested for starting the fire
That doesn't appear these men were in fear of that avalanche. I heard laughter. No one attempted to get out of its path.
he called the man recording the twister in an alley brave I call him stupid
These clips are super interesting but hardly fall under the label of “top natural disasters of all time”?
I mean 4 guys getting dusted by a random avalanche??? Mud slides affecting 8 houses. Come on
Crazy horse use to paint hail stones on his body before going into battle.
Human error
Seeing a lot of disaster videos where debris falls into the ocean makes me wonder how much stuff is at the bottom of the ocean? Supposedly only 5 percent of the ocean floor has been "discovered"/explored…
Who knows how many villages and city's have gone into the sea due to something like these happening.
That’s so sad for Pakistan. Nature has been absolutely scary this year.
OMG! I didn't even know about the flooding in Pakistan… I'm so closed in 🙁
Damn I thought South Dakota was safe
They should have called flex tape.
Nature indeed does find a way to do what many have witnessed firsthand, along with great losses being endured🤥. The earth is wearing out like an old garment right before our very eyes as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy.