Top of Unbelievable video natural disasters caught on tape and camera. Hurricane France
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Donnez vos vies à Christ avant que les jours de l'obscurité n'arrivent sur la terre. Matthieu chapitre24 v29.
Deus não julga ninguém. O pp homem se julga. O lei do retorno é inexorável. A natureza mostra quem é o mais forte. Como sempre!
Estais dormindo? Acordais -vos. Estais cansados? Em Deus há descanso. Estais perdidos? Em Deus há salvação. Pela morte de cruz e no terceiro dia ressuscitou nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo para dar à Salvação à todos que acreditarem nele e nele e se arrepender dos seus pecados passando pelas águas do Santo batismo será salvo e livre da condenação eterna. Vinde e aceitai à Cristo como seu único Salvador. Estais com sede? JESUS CRISTO é à fonte da água da vida. Que nos faz saltar para a vida eterna. Estarei orando por todos vós. Sirvo a Deus na congregação Cristã no Brasil e saúdo a todos com à Santa paz de Deus no amor de Jesus Cristo. Deus Abençoe vocês muito
And who says that Geoengineering isn't destructive!!!
Милые Люди ,Те кто Любят Животных Прошу Вас Давайте Обединятся и Просить ВСЕВЫШНЕГО о Прекращении Градов. Очень Жалко Птиц и Животных!🐕🦎🐇🦢🌻
Нам Говорят что Мы Должны Раскаятся в Грехах! Надеюсь Это Кому то Поможет! 💗💗💗 Мы Не Помним Грехов Прошлых Жизней, но думаю что Те Люди кто Пожелают Могут Просить ВСЕВЫШНЕГО что бы их Простили! Счастия Вам Дорогие Люди!🌸🌸🌸
Прошу Вас Дорогие Люди, Те Из Вас Кто Сочтёт Нужным Просите ВСЕВЫШНЕГО За Защиту Свою и Близких!!!🤗🌷🌷🌷😊
Климатический Цербер.
А какой ещё погоды заслуживают страны, поставляющие оружие Украине, вот Боженька и гневается!!!
Jesus Christ is returning sooner then many think
Repent and seek the Lord while He can be found
Call upon Him while He is near. ISAIAH 55:6 Ask
for forgiveness of your sins believe with all your
heart, that Jesus Christ is Lord, believe in His life
death and resurrection, believe in the GOSPEL of
Salvation, be born again in Christ and be saved.🙏
Jesus has returned, his new name is Baha’u’llah and the new song is the Baha’i Faith
Stop talking, very annoying.
💝James 5:7-9 Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.
Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.
Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door.
Сейчас посвижеет во франции
Сколька свежива воздуха будет
Хорошая осень
Вот эта Европа осени
C'est juste un film. Don't worry.
Milosrdni andjeo
Подумаешь град пошёл обосрались сразу лягушатники!
Every day the birth pains grow & no county is exempt. Get right with Lord Jesus time is running out. Pray that you may be spared from the wrath of God.
These are signs of the end of times, especially that the whole world suffers at once
Интересно , сами французы об этом знают ?
Предупреждение свыше
Yg mabuk tetap mabuk. Yg zina tetap zina. Yg berperang tetap berperang. Yg POBYA terhadap ISLAM terus lakukan diskriminasi. Yg mengusir jemaah di dlm Masjid dgn peluru atau gas air mata terus lakukan. Pabila dunia ini sudah selesai (Amagedon). Semua akan menikmati nya. Ini lah hari pembalasan. Sesuai dgn kelakuan yg ia perbuat slama di dunia. ALLAH HUAKBAR
hooo cielos santos que terrible es un peligro bendiciones 🥶😵💫🥺😶🌫
Ma da noi in Italia quando pioverà?
Аллах вам покажет какой он сильный наказание всем эвропу
Pa dali je moguce da prodje nekw oluja bez satanistickih komenntara sa kojim nws pokusavaju uplasit
Strah nas toje hrana leptirim i bezboznicim koji nam sve ovo prave w zosu jude ili jevreji
Budi sse dragi moj narode wko zelis spas sebi i potomstvu
Доклад Ротари дата судного дня!
Ceea ce este de neînțeles-am văzut și în alte materiale-unele persoane…..râd!Ca și aici….Atâta inconștiență,la semnalele pe care ni le trimite Dumnezeu….ei râd ca proștii! Așa ceva……..fără cuvinte!
𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗡𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝘀, 𝗪𝗲 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗟𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻
Hurricane Ian left a trail of devastation that will take weeks to assess, years to repair, and who knows what new adversities will happen in the meantime. According to scientists, climate change likely did not cause Ian, but it did intensify it. Unless we implement far more fundamental instruments of correction, we had better prepare for much worse, since when nature speaks, we should listen.
The ferocity of storms is growing, wildfires are becoming more frequent and intense, and droughts are vanquishing rivers and lakes. The more we interfere with nature and disrupt it through wanton exploitation, the more we trigger aggressive and extreme phenomena.
In the wisdom of Kabbalah, “nature” is synonymous with “God.” This does not mean that we should bow down to the wind or the sun like the pagans did, but that we must understand that we are dealing with superior forces here, far stronger than we can ever be. Therefore, we should follow their directives rather than try to dominate them as if we were superior to them.
Their directive is simple: Stay balanced. Nature is telling us that we cannot take for ourselves more than we need because we create deficits that nature takes back with a vengeance. The more we take beyond our needs, the more intense is nature’s revenge. This is why natural disasters are growing more intense.
We should not deny ourselves of anything we need. However, we have become accustomed to getting not what we need, but what we want, and there is a big difference between what we need and what we want.
I believe that America as a country, and the American people, are resilient enough to come through the adversity and make the necessary changes. Florida will recover from the aftermath of Ian, but what happens beyond repairing the physical damage depends on the entire country.
America, the world champion in consumerism, should reroute and lead the world toward a new paradigm: more balanced and sustainable. The focus in the 21st century should shift from improving material life to improving social life. Our material needs have been met; now it is time to meet our emotional needs, and these will be met when we create a society where people enjoy living.
The only way to create an enjoyable society is to foster good connections among people. Consequently, if America can focus on mending the growing alienation among people, it will give people a sense of contentment. This, in turn, will reduce people’s focus on materialism, which will effortlessly curb excessive consumption. People will not feel dissatisfied since their satisfaction will come from social connections rather than material possessions.
There is no limit to the amount of social bonding that people can form; it is the ultimate sustainable resource. If we tap into it, we will find an abundance of power and joy in social connections. Then, instead of exploiting nature to try to satisfy our insatiable wants, we will naturally take only what we need, and direct our positive energies toward each other.
ي ليل المهدي مايبي يعقل بنيابه عني وعن حارة الصالحيه والفرخ والفيهق اقول للمهدي … خير
ураган подхвати Макрона повыше и трахни об землю, чтоб яд из него выбить против РОССИИ, СИЛЬНЕЕ, СИЛЬНЕЕ И НА ПАРИЖ.
ηρθαν οι εξωγηινοι και αλλαξαν το κλιμα σε ολλη τη γη HAARP λεγωνται
Россию трогать нельзя ето предупреждение для Европы Аллах не простить Европы и Америку.
ничего страшного для нас Россиян это обычное явление
Santisima Trinidad, protege a Francia ,a Europa y Asia de las tormentas al Extremo ,granizadas ,tormentas electricas,lluvias e inundaciones.amen.
Boh nezabudol…na vrahov!
Что то с природой в последнее время происходит.Ураганы,ливни.