Fullmetal Alchemist Vol 6-12 | My Favorite Scene

Fullmetal Alchemist Vol 6-12 | My Favorite Scene
Spread The Viralist

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About the Author: Merphy Napier


  1. re: Al's memories, I think it's not that complicated– the sigil was written with ed's blood, so a similar substance (more blood) splashing onto it might've mixed with the original sigil and altered it in a way that detached al's consciousness from the armor. he was brought back once ed cleaned off the blood and properly restored it.

  2. While I am someone who thinks that One Piece is arguably the greatest tale ever put to pages, whenever someone asks me which is the most emotionally potent manga I've read, my mind goes first to Fullmetal Alchemist🙂

  3. I'm not 100% sure about all the lore, but if you have any questions about the story after you've finished, I can answer many of them for you. I had to watch it three times and do a lot of reading to understand many things.

  4. I am not sure if I'm just misunderstanding you, but it seems you appear to be under the impression that honunculi and chimera are the same thing. Chimera are any creatures that are two or more creatures combined together with alchemy. Chimera are created using already existing living creatures. A homonculus is an artificial human created from scratch using the souls in a philosopher's stone to give it life.

  5. You have no idea how satisfying it is to rewatch the anime and see all the foreshadowing from episode 1.

    This is my all time favorite anime and nothing will ever beat it. I rewatch it at least once a year and man…I love everything about it.

    It will take some time for you to get to one of my favorite moment in the anime and manga because it's more towards the end.

    I can't wait to see your reaction.

  6. technically speaking an homunculus is an artificial human whereas a chimera is something built of multiple creatures like griffon with the head and wings of a bird and the body of a lion and such

  7. I always thought that Alphonse having a flashback to the truth was due to his seal being damaged and having a life flashing before his eyes type moment remembering the truth.

  8. Fun Fact: Hiromu Arakawa wrote a bonus comic about how she wrote this chapter in the original manga. She had included a little too many jokes, her editor thought, and he encouraged her to tone them down a little based on how serious the chapter was. That led to this conversation:
    Hiromu: "But we can keep the boobs, right?"
    Editor: "You gotta keep the boobs!"

  9. Always nice to hear a genuine book readers opinion on something that I enjoy it is an anime first. Always gives a new perspective that I never thought of!

  10. i love hearing your thoughts on the series because every single part of it is baked with emotion. so much to unpack. definitely what drives the story: great power comes with great loss. history of war and mistreatment on all sides. every character has thought out motivations. nothing is really done just to be cool, but the reasonably emotional reactions are heightened which is exactly what the medium is about. so good. like mindblowing. izumi is my favorite character and i dont think she’d be even half as well done in another series by another author. its just so special.

  11. I just realized that the time Al passes after his seal was splashed with blood was the first time he was unconscious for YEARS! That is crazy to think about. It so normal for use to be unconscious and get some metal rest but he never does. He can't sleep and he can't be physically knocked out. I hope he got some rest.

    Edit: Also thinking about Ed, I bet he was freaking out. Like how did he know that Al's soul was still there. It was the first time Al couldn't respond. How did Ed know that the blood splash didn't cause Al's soul to be ripped from the suit of armor?

  12. All i can say is, this manga answers every question you have all in due time. Also, you'll soon be introduced to two of of my top 5 favorite characters in the series. One being a big sister and the other being an absolute sociopath, thats as much as i'll tease.

  13. Homunculi and Chimera is not the same thing in FMA.
    Chimera is a result of combining 2 different being(or more) together (Lion and bird(?) in chapter1, Nina and Alexander, various animals and human in case of Greed's crews)
    Homunculus is a being created by alchemy that has philosopher stone as a core (as Lust explained to Mustang)

  14. Merphy, I really would love to see you diving into and discussing a work of my favourite Seinen Mangaka: Naoki Urasawa.
    You'll have so many great storys to choose: MONSTER (*), 20th Century Boys , Billy Bat and Pluto . His most recent series is called Asadora! . which is still ongoing.
    * my pers. favourite so far. And I saw, it is also on your TBR Manga list. Way to low for my liking however. 😉

  15. A few things (without spoilers) :
    – Stop thinking about Voldemort for Father, it's not the same thing at all 🙂 If you still think like that for the next volumes you will be even more confused!
    – Alphonse as been through a lot of trauma. His memories of his transmutation (when Ed bring him back) were too much to handle and he repressed them. It was explained by Ed and Isumi (who ask her doctor for his opinion and he told her that another big trauma could bring Al's memories back). That's what happend when Martell was killed inside of him (nothing to do with her blood specificaly).
    – Chimera and Homonculus are not the same thing at all. Homonculus are artificial human beings that are fully created (in the story : the seven deadly sins). Chimeras are humans and/or animals who have been "mixed" together with alchemy like Nina and Alexander. The people who followed Greed were militaries who have been severely injured during war and were used as lab rats. They managed to get away when the lab they were in was destroyed. Homonculus are incredibly more powerful than normal humans but Chimeras are just "improved". Also the story of the chimeras who work for Greed was a big hint that the military system is shady AF since they don't care about their wounded, they just becoming more lab rats. At this point, Ed and Al are still a bit naive about how their country is ruled and how the rulers are caring about the people or not.

  16. I loved FMA:B and I am really excited you’re reading it.

    Upon watching the video I love how you’re sus about Hohenheim and I can’t wait for you to learn more about him in the future.

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