* (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) *
Decatur, Illinois — On October 12, 2022, at around 12:30 am, Decatur Police Officers conducted a traffic stop of a subject (32-year-old Jamontey O. Neal) believed to be in possession of a firearm. Neal had two guns in the car with him. One was underneath of him. Decatur police said, that is the one he reached for before opening fire on the officers, shooting and wounding two of the officers. One video shows Decatur Police Sgt. Timothy Wittmer’s hair being ruffled by a passing bullet and the officer falling to the ground as he is hit multiple times. His semi-automatic service pistol jams as he lays on the rain-soaked pavement and he quickly clears it before opening fire and appearing to empty his magazine at Neal who collapses, his body twitching with bullet impacts.
Four police officers had returned fire at Neal: three Decatur officers and Macon County Sheriff’s Deputy Travis Wolfe. During the incident, officers returned fire, shooting Neal. Neal was struck multiple times. Neal later died at a local hospital. Sgt. Wittmer was shot multiple times during this incident. He was shot in the hand which required surgery. He was also shot in the foot and the left posterior area, but a titanium wallet stopped that bullet. He had fragment injuries on his head. Officer Bowman was shot one time in the lower abdomen during this incident. It was a “through and through” wound. Both Sgt. Wittmer and Ofc. Bowman have been released from the hospital and are recovering. They remain on leave while the fatal shooting is investigated by the Illinois State Police, which is standard procedure.
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– ‘The Chocolate Thief’
– ‘Jacob from Wisconi’
– ‘gorey hole’
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0:00 – Dashcam: Officer Austin Bowman
1:22 – Bodycam: Sgt. Timothy Wittmer
2:28 – Bodycam: Officer Austin Bowman
3:44 – Bodycam: Officer Ryan Ricker
5:02 – Dashcam: Sgt. Timothy Wittmer
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I get he had a gun…i really do. But were that many shots really neccessary? I'm also interested to know why they were there in the first place. Were the police called?
I don't think Bowman even knew he was shot.
Let this be a lesson to all you fucking retarded motherfuckers are going to get fucking poured out every single time pull a move like this
Beautiful HEAD shot from a wounded officer laying on the ground WELL DONE TAKING OUT THE TRASH!!!!!!!!
All this because police have to fear for wrongful imprisonment by angry race mob justice. Just put one between their eyes next time we got your back
This one settles it all cops are bad, there’s not one black person capable of harming police officers and if you disagree you are inherently racist, am I a good little leftist now?
Always always always the blatts playing victim to get away with murder
Убили негра😅
Officer down took his time with the last 4, making sure they ended up it that rat bastard
Wow that’s crazy how somebody act is such a way like this . I pray the cop who got shot is still alive. Do anybody know his situation?
Keep seeing these videos labeled officer involved shooting only to find out It's just police killing people videos. How about something from the officer down series? Or permanent 10 42'd? Has a nice ring to it.
Good night. Rock a bye 👶
Im turkish, but i want to be a police in america, just a weird thing i want to do.
"DO NOT MOVE" and "GET OUT OF THE CAR" being yelled at the same time… that makes a lot of sense.
Shit was dope
No Brother, you dead ass wrong for this. Police did what they had to do.
Well they grantedhis wish lol. He got a nice load. Love it
Do those lives really matter? Lol this is so clear. Good job police. glad he got all that led in him lmao
I like your activity,shows how dangerous police work is, I would like to know what happened to suspect afterwards, died,Gail etc please
The officer on the right side of the vehicle had good impulse control when the driver started shooting, he was able to make the split second decision to hold his fire since the other two officers were in the line of fire.
What does it mean if an officer tells you both to "not move" and to "get out of the car" at the same time?
The police these days have an impossible job. Its so hard to tell the difference between the bad and the crazy. And through all of that they have to make sure they dont shoot the innocent by mistake.
There seems to be a pattern of these suspects. I can’t quite put my finger on it though 💩
that N got shot as soon as he stepped out the car. Then got lit the F up.. This should be shown to kids to show what will happen to you if you become a POS. Especially black boys. Good job officers
CNN will NEVER show this.