Here's What Happened In Gabby Petito's Final Days

Here's What Happened In Gabby Petito's Final Days
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Gabby Petito’s tragic death captured the country’s attention in 2021. Now, new security footage details what the aspiring van life influencer was doing in her final days — and what it reveals may shock you.

#GabbyPetito #YouTuber #WhatHappened

An idyllic van trip | 0:00
Witnesses saw them fighting | 0:56
More fighting and a strange text | 1:42
A tragic end | 2:56
The last day | 4:03

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About the Author: Grunge


  1. Rest In Peace Gabby Petito.

    (Content Correction: We meant to credit the YouTube Channel Nomadic Statik and apologize for this discrepancy.)

  2. HES SO UGLY; INSIDE AND OUT. I’m surprised someone so gentle and beautiful like that even liked him and was attracted to that. Smfh so sad, she liked evil. He looks like a demon. So ugly looking and evil looking. Shame on him. I just know he’s in hell rn he deserves it sorry not sorry.

  3. I hope bitches around the world learn from this that they can use they holes to control and manipulate but if they start hitting a man theres a chance they will end up dead .✊

  4. I cannot for the life of me as a mom knowing that my son had done something like what he did to gabby and not turning him in. No good mom let’s her child get away with taking a persons life and get away with it

  5. Based on what I know. My theory is that since Gabby was always the most apologetic, after the incident at the Tex- mex restaurant, Brian demanded sex when they returned to camp and Gabby said no. They had been fighting a lot during the trip & I think Gabby am was always the first to apologize and the give in to Brian’s demands for sex, even after putting her through hell at that restaurant and the grocery store parking lot. Brian had narcissistic traits, so Gabby denying him on their last night together could have possibly sent him into a rage. Especially if he was still angry about the restaurant incident.

  6. Can you guys do more videos on woman of color who have been murdered or missing? Why is it so rare for us to be concerned by others too? I can't count how many times you guys and other channels with the same content, have spoke on this crime of this woman. I get it, its horrible what happened to her, but shes not the only young women to die this way. Soooo many others have too but their stories are never "mainstream" enough for people to care. I don't see none of you do it for the thousands of murdered black and brown women. I'm not trying to be mean or disrespectful but gabbys story has been told many times, let's get some recognition to other women who deserve their stories told to Grudge.

  7. When couples post a lot of pics of themselves together, looking so happy and blissful, 9 times out of 10 those are the couples that have the most issues n their relationship.

  8. I never knew until this story was unfolding that “STAN” is an acronym used by women in abusive relationships- “Send the authorities now”. It’s been speculated that the text that was sent to her mother may have been a coded message for help. 🤷🏻‍♂️😔

  9. What is not addressed in this video is the responsibility the police played in Gabby Petitos death.
    The police completely ignored protocol and the state law regarding domestic violence, every state has a " Tracy Thurman" law. It's pretty clear, always separate the people involved, and any evidence that concludes that domestic violence occurred?
    That person is to be taken into custody. He should have been arrested then and there and detained, the 911 calls were enough evidence to arrest him.
    What happened is 2 lazy police officers didn't do their job, They allowed a victim to remain with her abuser, and drive away.
    They could have prevented this tragedy. The Petitos have filed a lawsuit against the police department and although it will not bring back their child, I hope they bankrupt that police department. We have these laws protect victims of domestic violence as they often lack the ability to protect themselves.

  10. I still can’t believe that he’s parents knew wat he had done and covered for him. I truly think that the mini holiday was with their son they got to say goodbye to their son but Gabbys parents didn’t get that chance because it was selfishly taken from them wen the scumbag Brian took it away from them and murdered their only daughter.

  11. Why 20 minutes in the van at the end of the video? He hurt her and then finished her off…..mercy killing? He read books that were not good that may have influenced him.

  12. This girl would literally be alive if the entourage of the monster who killed her had enough courage to tell the truth about him. They all knew he was a fcking spoiled brat

    Cheers from San Diego California

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