His Living Dog Could See His Spirit During His Near Death Experience!

His Living Dog Could See His Spirit During His Near Death Experience!
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Near-death experience podcast guest #623 is Devon Kramer, who during his NDE experience opened his eyes to what experience is like outside of time. Devon no longer saw the world the same. Duality was becoming an illusion, and thus, he started his spiritual journey into the unknown.

Devon’s YouTube Channel

Devon’s Website

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  1. But the thing with number 9 only works in base 10. If you're from another planet where they have 8 fingers or 12 fingers, then the special number would be 7 (in base 8) or 11 (in base 12). Doesn't this make the "sacredness" of 9 arbitrary?

  2. Thinking more about the left and right brain, this is why some who listen to Binaural Beats with headphones will have an out of body experience. I have a friend who had this happen, didn't go far and slipped back in her body. You are separating the two parts of the brain, not beneficial says former Tesla back as a man named Flanigan. Can be beneficial through one speaker source. ❣

  3. There's a woman who did a TED talk about her stroke. She had a very intense experience as well. Her name is Jill Bolt Taylor and her TED talk is on YouTube.

  4. The brain is a sophisticated receiver / transmitter. It’s capable of this because conscious energy is everywhere, the same way that other much easier to detect energy such as radio waves and microwaves surround us, whether we sense it or not.

    When you meditate, you enter a state where all the mental clutter is eliminated, opening up a better flow of energy.

  5. I actually understood none of this so I'll have to watch it again tonight, I am useless at maths. What are we meant to do on these special dates?? How does it apply to our daily lives?

  6. It is interesting that he says that we can communicate and co-operate with things like the wind because my understanding now is that everything has consciousness.

  7. In cadi, nine is nite and nun, thus yin, thus water, thus stars. Our ancestors used that goad to guide in tree consonant sound, a meaning beyond 0 to 10’s. Beyond measure, aka Nada. Check archipelago in ndYin aka Inuit and Vedic sound. Ps…My dog flew through me and told me when she passed. She flew down the river and through a mutual friend whom reported the experience with the obvious question the next day. She said, your dog flew though me yesterday and told me she had passed. Yup… my dog friend was hit by a car. The first thing doggy pup said when she flew through me, was she never suffered. And.. Nine doesn’t mean a number it means beyond measure, indivisible. @tnShen, it’s a sound archipelago. Ish… there are nine major chakras, Ish and Kakini, plus the lak tree, named for its color. Also known as (yes a famous river of the area) the wish fulfilling tree. These three guard the heart. Also Santa code. In cadi, nature isn’t a noun, an object. In cadi, or Santa code, nature is Nadya, ananda, commander of wind and river gently flowing waters, aka spiritual waters. Sounds as meaning archipelago beyond objectification. Fluid, crystal clear, balou…. The eternal river.

  8. Very interesting but in looking up more information he seems to have a big money making thing going on here! Am I wrong?

  9. I added my birthday in 2 different way and ending the same root number 8. And I often see some ‘interesting’ numbers when I turn my phone on and recently I workout those ‘interesting’ numbers by adding and taking away etc then ending up match my birthday number !
    One day out I ordered a drink then I don’t know why I’ve changed it to another one and the price was 8.08 and I pulled my all coins out intended to use them up rather use the note, I asked waiter to take it all and if it’s not enough then I’d use 10 note. After counting the waiter said you’ve got exactly the amount 8.08 !!! 😊
    In gratitude with unconditional love

  10. i have to question cbd giving anyone a stroke. especially the cbd you buy in any store which is from hemp. it would be a chemical or something completely unrelated that did this to this gentleman. he obviously had a brain aneurysm through his life.

  11. This is timely and profound information for me. In the midst of recent health issues I had an experience that scared me … so I started searching for information to help me understand. This video is the closest explanation for what I experienced. I have been watching your videos for awhile and had the sense that one of your guests would help me, thank you!

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