The world’s fastest ever crash test — just how big are the forces involved and how much of a family car is left after it crashes at a speed not uncommon on British motorways?
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Oh, my god😢
Wow very scary
The Crew 2: Scratch
i hope this happens to me
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Morbid reality time. Relatively recently in Windsor Hills, some drunk took their car for a drive, and smashed straight into a car in an intersection. T-boning at ludicrous speed.
The result was that it flung a child in the other car out of it, onto the pavement. Whole family that was in the car died.
I know 3 lads who hit a tree at 104 mph and it taken the emergency service 2 days to remove all the bodie parts
a fitting death for any man
This guy just doing a crash event bro
The EDITING is disturbing.
Bikes are faster
Took you 6 minutes to show a 3 second clip..
Hmm 80 its my highest
That’s how I want to die
he talks bullshit for 3 minutes 15 seconds , then the crash test starts
It had a nice set of alloys. Too bad
120 mph into a stationary object is not the same as two objects impacting each other at 120 mph each…1:08
I reach to this video keep looking if what happens to a car if crash into 120 mph speed. If the car of Diana run to this fast and slammed in a concrete island, surely survivability could be 50/50 chance. Because the car they've drive is Mercedes Benz
Uh… isn’t your math incorrect? If I remember correctly… 2 cars traveling at 60 mph…colliding head on… is equivalent to a single vehicle traveling 120 mph… crashing in to a concrete barrier… per your demonstration. Not 2 cars each going 120 mph… crashing in to each other. Fact check me, please.
Equivalent to two cars traveling @ 60mph, not 120
I was pissed off and went 160mph over a bridge today. No regrets.
I will beat this record
Not me making voiceovers during the crash
That’s when your head comes out your arse
that's what happens when a woman is driving 😅
Buxton horror crash into a tree.😭 all teenager died and driver survive.
The dummys should've had better brakes
Prochaine vidéo : un train percute une voiture à 200 km/h
N1: ou est la voiture ?
N2: elle est sous les roues du train pourquoi?
3:47 massive Porsche girl vibes
Even with survival space, there's no way the organs would tolerate this kind of force…
Yep…. they're dead af….
“The focus is obliterated on impact”
Me: drives at 120mph
Sign: warning: wall ahead
Me: aaaaaaa
I was in the trunk I’m good
That’s write off
damn i needed this
Even if you show this to drivers in Florida in The United States Of America. This won't change their behavior. No wonder why they're ranked as the most expensive state to insure any vehicle and are becoming the highest state with hit and runs involving pedestrians. Guess that's why all you see is lawyer commercials on television, hearing it on the radio, and seeing it on billboards everywhere. Good job making that look good for the U.S.A. like many other things.
GTA 5: Car and got some scratches and survived
Real Life: Insta-kill