Some of these accidents didn't look like accidents. It looked like it was done on purpose
My fart smells worse then this!
My cousins who are considered 2nd cousins who are from Mexico. They were killed in a car crash last week after crashing into a tree at high speed. The impact was brutal 😢
GTA be looking mad realistic these days…
i was driving a dump truck in 2015, i was rounding a curve to merge onto a highway going 40 mph when i was hit by a lexus going 75 mph in the drivers side of my truck. the other driver had a seizure and was unconscious when he hit me. i was tipped on my side and briefly knocked out from the impact, and slid 85 feet on my passenger side on the blacktop, the other driver actually survived with feet injuries.
I don't know how close to death I was but my closest car accident would be me T-boning someone turning who failed to yield, I was going 45 mph downhill when he decided to turn out in front of me and I hit him going 45. Only damage to be was very bad bruising on my stomach from the seatbelt. I think I got lucky
Sometimes the cars aim at the dash cam car like it’s a jump scare lol
i seen 2 bodies ejected and one snapped neck
All these crashes are like 1 little move from being right and end up being the wrong move, like slipping on ice and oversteering realizing at the last second the car was actually doing the right thing if you didn't oversteer etc
0:50 the man wanted to end his life with a death wish
Most of these are in Russia. Talk about crazy drivers.
This is only a normal Day in Russia. 90% are drunk 10% are stupid.
So many reasons I,m glad I don’t live in Russia, and these clips illustrate just one of them.
Drunk, high, suicidal, bad weather, fell asleep' heart attack, texting, impatient, or just plain stupid. All caused because of human flaws
sees the first accident “that’s not fatal i wanna see something serious” two accidents later “oh nvm. this is fatal”
Ha! Nice touch at the end 👍
Interesting how cheerfully this video opens
Why do I like watching these, can someone answer that?
So many innocent life’s lost & affected. Parents loosing children. Children loosing parents & siblings. Families torn apart forever… for what? A little patience & respect to each other. RIP 🪦innocent ones ❤
Last one was funny and surely fatal
NOT fatal OR graphic.
more oxygen for me
Russians weren’t allowed to have cars (or, at least, had to wait years for one) under evil communism so we’re not prepared for modern world driving when they became free after the fall of communism.
I'd swear that if the earth was a smooth marble and there was only one truck and one car; they'd eventually hit each other head on.
If you want to drive like Lewis Hamilton you have to learn how to drive like Lewis Hamilton…
These were all fatal?
How effing selfish can you be. So damn selfish you're willing to put everyone in your car and on the road at risk because you can't be patient. How effing selfish can you possibly to play with the lives of others.
"Fatal Car Crashes" Bootleg Pixar intro : Also gotta love how mfs are joking around in a video about car crashes.
There were a few that looked like suicide attempts. Like a kamikaze.
Yeah, these qualify as horrific 😱 👍
…And this is what happens when you drive on the wrong (right lol) side of the road….
Not ONE single clip from a left hand side driving nation on this video.
More proof there are selfish stupid drivers ALL over the world. Here in the US it's morons speeding that kill most people. Followed by POS drunk drivers. But POS texting drivers is closing in on taking the #2 spot. I like how dumbasses ride my bumper because I do just slightly above the speed limit. Then they pass, Only to get to the stoplight 10 seconds sooner than me. LMAO
It's amazing how much damage can be caused so quickly! I was in a wreck a couple years ago…we were going down a 4 lane highway (2 lanes going east and 2 going west). A semi was in the left lane for about a mile. We were approaching an intersection were a feedlot was on the left and just a dirt road was on the right. The semi was pulling a loader on a flatbed so, beings that he was in the left lane and the feedlot was on the left, I assumed he'd turn left. I was passing him on the right. I did slow down but not a lot. It was a 65mph highway so I slowed to about 50mph while I was passing him. He ended up turning right and turned right in front of me. I didn't have enough time to avoid hitting him, as I was already about halfway passed him. Needless to say it totaled my SUV. It was only by the grace of God that I lived!! For starters, I NEVER wore my seat belt, like, ever! For some reason I put it on about 2 miles before. As I was putting it on I was even asking myself "What are you doing "? But, I still put it on, planning to take it off soon. Then, out of the whole rig (50 foot trailer plus the truck) I hit the passenger tire of his truck…The one and only part that had any give whatsoever! The sheriff that was investigating said that he was shocked I wasn't hurt worse than I was. All I ended up with was a fractured shoulder and I needed a few staples in my head because I still hit the windshield, even with my seat belt and the airbags going off. God was definitely watching over me that day!!!
It just amazes me how these idiots think that on a 2 lane road that the line dividing the two lanes is a lane to them. They drive right between cars on the white lane. No the line is not a lane. I don't want to see anyone die or get hurt. Even though a few of these someone probably died but most of these are caused from people driving like idiots
Some of these accidents didn't look like accidents. It looked like it was done on purpose
My fart smells worse then this!
My cousins who are considered 2nd cousins who are from Mexico. They were killed in a car crash last week after crashing into a tree at high speed. The impact was brutal 😢
GTA be looking mad realistic these days…
i was driving a dump truck in 2015, i was rounding a curve to merge onto a highway going 40 mph when i was hit by a lexus going 75 mph in the drivers side of my truck. the other driver had a seizure and was unconscious when he hit me. i was tipped on my side and briefly knocked out from the impact, and slid 85 feet on my passenger side on the blacktop, the other driver actually survived with feet injuries.
I don't know how close to death I was but my closest car accident would be me T-boning someone turning who failed to yield, I was going 45 mph downhill when he decided to turn out in front of me and I hit him going 45. Only damage to be was very bad bruising on my stomach from the seatbelt. I think I got lucky
I love russian head-ons!
One word …Alcohol
Aiden was driving
Imagine being in the crashes
0:49 did he fall asleep at the wheel?
Sometimes the cars aim at the dash cam car like it’s a jump scare lol
i seen 2 bodies ejected and one snapped neck
All these crashes are like 1 little move from being right and end up being the wrong move, like slipping on ice and oversteering realizing at the last second the car was actually doing the right thing if you didn't oversteer etc
0:50 the man wanted to end his life with a death wish
Most of these are in Russia. Talk about crazy drivers.
This is only a normal Day in Russia. 90% are drunk 10% are stupid.
So many reasons I,m glad I don’t live in Russia, and these clips illustrate just one of them.
Drunk, high, suicidal, bad weather, fell asleep' heart attack, texting, impatient, or just plain stupid. All caused because of human flaws
3:12 wtf
sees the first accident “that’s not fatal i wanna see something serious” two accidents later “oh nvm. this is fatal”
Ha! Nice touch at the end 👍
Interesting how cheerfully this video opens
Why do I like watching these, can someone answer that?
So many innocent life’s lost & affected. Parents loosing children. Children loosing parents & siblings. Families torn apart forever… for what? A little patience & respect to each other. RIP 🪦innocent ones ❤
Last one was funny and surely fatal
NOT fatal OR graphic.
more oxygen for me
Russians weren’t allowed to have cars (or, at least, had to wait years for one) under evil communism so we’re not prepared for modern world driving when they became free after the fall of communism.
I'd swear that if the earth was a smooth marble and there was only one truck and one car; they'd eventually hit each other head on.
If you want to drive like Lewis Hamilton you have to learn how to drive like Lewis Hamilton…
These were all fatal?
How effing selfish can you be. So damn selfish you're willing to put everyone in your car and on the road at risk because you can't be patient. How effing selfish can you possibly to play with the lives of others.
"Fatal Car Crashes"
Bootleg Pixar intro :
Also gotta love how mfs are joking around in a video about car crashes.
There were a few that looked like suicide attempts. Like a kamikaze.
Yeah, these qualify as horrific 😱
…And this is what happens when you drive on the wrong (right lol) side of the road….
Not ONE single clip from a left hand side driving nation on this video.
Lesson: NEVER drive in Russia.
3:10 how can you crash in the open like that?
We ski don't ski no how to drive ski …
I love your totally not Pixar introduction
More proof there are selfish stupid drivers ALL over the world. Here in the US it's morons speeding that kill most people. Followed by POS drunk drivers. But POS texting drivers is closing in on taking the #2 spot. I like how dumbasses ride my bumper because I do just slightly above the speed limit. Then they pass, Only to get to the stoplight 10 seconds sooner than me. LMAO
It's amazing how much damage can be caused so quickly! I was in a wreck a couple years ago…we were going down a 4 lane highway (2 lanes going east and 2 going west). A semi was in the left lane for about a mile. We were approaching an intersection were a feedlot was on the left and just a dirt road was on the right. The semi was pulling a loader on a flatbed so, beings that he was in the left lane and the feedlot was on the left, I assumed he'd turn left. I was passing him on the right. I did slow down but not a lot. It was a 65mph highway so I slowed to about 50mph while I was passing him. He ended up turning right and turned right in front of me. I didn't have enough time to avoid hitting him, as I was already about halfway passed him. Needless to say it totaled my SUV. It was only by the grace of God that I lived!! For starters, I NEVER wore my seat belt, like, ever! For some reason I put it on about 2 miles before. As I was putting it on I was even asking myself "What are you doing "? But, I still put it on, planning to take it off soon. Then, out of the whole rig (50 foot trailer plus the truck) I hit the passenger tire of his truck…The one and only part that had any give whatsoever! The sheriff that was investigating said that he was shocked I wasn't hurt worse than I was. All I ended up with was a fractured shoulder and I needed a few staples in my head because I still hit the windshield, even with my seat belt and the airbags going off. God was definitely watching over me that day!!!
It just amazes me how these idiots think that on a 2 lane road that the line dividing the two lanes is a lane to them. They drive right between cars on the white lane. No the line is not a lane. I don't want to see anyone die or get hurt. Even though a few of these someone probably died but most of these are caused from people driving like idiots
So much Vodka involved