Minecraft Mods – SINKHOLE DISASTER ! Natural Disasters Mod !

Spread The Viralist

GameChap and Bertie take the plunge and investigate the Sinkhole modification! Mind the gap!

TO DOWNLOAD: Visit the Minecraft Mods section at MinecraftForum! The topic name is [Modloader][1.1] Natural Disasters V1.2 _1[SMP/SSP], by Jokiboy.


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About the Author: AdamzoneTopMarks


  1. Remember back when these videos were popular? Random mod showcases? Then it went to FNaF for like a year, and now it's only random CoD videos, Vanoss, and flash games. Ah, the memories.

  2. ╯▅╰╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲╯╯☼

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