Sam and Colby investigate the demon in Bell Witch Cave aka America’s Scariest Ghost Story. The only death by the supernatural in history. This is worse than the terrifying Conjuring House and Queen Mary.
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Editor: Connor Stallings & Sam and Colby
Producer: Zach Bell
Illustraions: https://www.instagram.com/ghostkidtradingcards/
Thank you to Lindsay the Witch for helping with the ritual!
This is where we got our Ghost Equipment (affiliate):
Music Used: https://share.epidemicsound.com/06bf3e
Friends in Video:
Seth: @Seth Borden
Josh: @Exploring With Josh
Check out the Bell Witch Cave Yourself:
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SAM: https://www.youtube.com/c/SamGolbach
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#SamandColby #HellWeek #haunted
About: Sam and Colby create haunted, exploration videos on this channel. Some series include Stanley Hotel, Hell Week, The Queen Mary, and most recently, The Conjuring Series. Subscribe to explore, travel, go ghost hunting, and watch some scary content!
The Bell Witch: America’s Scariest Demon | Sam and Colby
Sam and Colby
the FINALE of Hell Week is this Sunday at 11:11am PST. do NOT miss this… also… part two at the Bell Witch Cave??? Last chance for xplrclub.com being $1!!! don't miss it
I love these videos they keep you on edge the entire time y’all’s story telling is top notch
1st off, love how y'all are more scared of bugs and bats than spirits and demons 🤣 2nd off, i say this in every video, I luv u guys MILLIONS 💜💜💜 Also luved seeing Seth and Josh again
Ok so they keep talking about the queen Mary so i was delivering oxygen tanks to my oxygen patients in an assisted living center I saw a painting of queen Mary the ship not so creepy but kinda odd
did anyone else at 12:21 think that someone started to beat box. XD
My birthdays on the 19th of December…
I'm from this area and have heard and grew up hearing bad things about this place. Please if you took anything at all please take it back. Bad things have happened to anyone that even took the smallest of pebbles or disrespected this place in any way. Hope yall are safe!!
Did anyone else notice the ahs intro in the beginning
This is the collaboration I’ve been waiting for! I love watching this exploring with Josh and Sam and Colby, especially to together❤
Has anyone else noticed the spirits have been telling them to leave the past three videos
You guys shouldn’t put music in the video just in case you guys missed something
This is literally less than 2 hours from me. That's awesome you guys came here, but sucks you were so close and I didn't know. Lol
Seth looks really good for being 55 years old 👌
A few things the devil cannot be in more than one place at a time nor can demons, they wish, Satan from the beginning ha always wanted to be like God. But he is not God, he isn't omnipotent, he isn't as powerful as God, the devil and his demons do know and believe the bible, not sure why people think they don't, ask they are fallen angels… You want better answers read the bible, all the "ghost" you talk to are demons. Despite what all the people you work with say.
If they would’ve done the Estes method here I bet it would have been wild.
When you all blew out the candles at the end, epic bro❤
Also I would love to join you guys😁😇
I Love your videos there asome and cool😇😇
Well u guys Survived
I'm a huge fan sam and colby!😁😁😁
My granny has been to the bell witch cave, she said she went with a group. They had rocks, lots of rocks, thrown at them throughout their time there. One person got hit and bled from it. She 100% felt a dark energy there. I live a couple hours away, and always wanted to go but haven't worked up the courage yet
This video was awesome.
There is a fucking face in Seth's picture look at this shit 50:30
Those white dots are spirit orbs, it shows where a ghost is.
31:43 Colby: 🤠
Did anyone see sam move no one touching him
Did anyone else see the time on Josh's phone when he went out to turn on his flashlight in the cave when they heard the voices? 1:11 am
Pls like so they can see
me and Colby had the same facial expression about the family cat 😭
R.I.P Seth for picking up a rock
You should come back to Ontario, Canada again and go to Black Creek Pioneer Village. There are multiple haunted buildings and I have had experiences myself. If you go I want to come🙋🏼♀️lol. I'd go on any investigation with you guys though. The legit best, most authentic ghost hunters out there!
47:10 One almost looks like water and sand it looks like it tried to form but a hand or something was blocking the camera when you took it. when I get older (I'm 14 now) i want to do what you're doing when I was little, I always wanted to go on trip like this with you guys. (edit) 54:31 Funny thing I was just leaning about him in history class today lol.
I feel like at the memorial they were talking to two different entities. The witch & someone else. The witch wanted them in the cave but the other entity knew it was dangerous & said no. The witch said no don’t leave & the other entity said yes. When they switched it to emotions only the other entity could answer because the witch probably doesn’t feel any emotions & that’s why they got things like puzzled, scared, & sad…it definitely gave me chills
for some reason, i felt anxious watching this and my breathing wasn't normal. i guess that's the word for it. but it felt different for some reason. did anyone else feel that way?
I remembered something 9 means no When y’all were asking if they knew the plan and it said 9 it could mean no
Best horror Chanel on yt rn
Sam and Colby vs ghost 😌🤌🏼 ,Sam and Colby vs bugs🏃💨💨💨💨😰
At 46:30 my brother saw a person run past you
In the cave
I have also felt an evil presence in my house, I couldn't move, breath, and my first instinct was to close my eyes… 19:35 is when I go company, I'm home alone btw. The hired "witch" looks kinda familiar as well
Dammm Sam justo really took that rock
The bug that y’all ran away from is a type of bug that eats other bugs
Sam: They tested the dark liquid on the family cat and the cat immediately died
Colby: Sad face
Yall don't need a demonic witch to protect yall, just pray you have jesus
At about 8:25–8:27 there was something that sounded like a little kid's voice or yelling. Sounded like "Get back" or something. I thought it was the kids in my neighborhood but they're all in their homes. Or it sounds like a goat.
HE PICKED UP A ROCK😦😓😓😓 bruh …..
Rip Seth
I feel like the guys should go back to the place where the door slammed on Colby, was genuinely terrifying. As that place was mostly untouched and not visited often, so alot of paranormal potential.