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2018 interview with Sebastian:
What Does a Near Death Experience Feel Like?
Incredible story with Sebastian Junger. Watch the full episode here –
Understand WHAT, The LIGHT really is ! In 1973 I was pronounced "DEAD On ARRIVAL" at a medical center… More than half an hour passed, then my heart started again… During that time, I "LIFE The Real Self", entered the WHITE LIGHT, and have remained in the WHITE LIGHT to this day… Those who claim to have returned, have NOT recognize WHAT, The WHITE LIGHT really is… When you recognize WHAT the LIGHT actually is, and accept it, you remain in The LIGHT as I have…
This was interesting. He sees & interacts with his deceased father, he sees a void, interviewer asks what it would take to convince him there was some kind of afterlife and he says "data" 😆
If it didn't happen than why didn't you go back to what you were doing. What's got your hooked
You totally do not understand reality. Your atheism is holding you back.
I’m also an atheist NDEr so I absolutely understand where he is now
It took me months to finally give up my denial after so many OBEs
Every time I turn a corner trying to prove that it never happened something amazing would be shown to me to the point where I was told
“What else do you want as to show you?”
And at that point I realize that by trying to run away from my experiences I was actually getting closer and closer tu my creator
Is funny how that works but God definitely know how to draw as in without as noticing or suspect what he’s truly doing in our hearts
It truly is amazing!
This is the first and only NDE I have come across where the person remains skeptical about their NDE and the afterlife. He was right there experiencing the afterlife, it was smacking him in the face but he is still banging his head against a tree. In denial. My dear, this skepticism is not going to save you from the void when you finally do pass. Now is the right time to develop your faith and your relationship with God. Don’t waste this opportunity. Very few people are granted such an opportunity.
Its a far way for an atheist to come to terms with "i don't know"
Almost drown, very peaceful. Respiratory Distress, terrifying.
Him being an atheist came as a shock to him seeing his Dead Father, he's now questioning his faith/spirituality
I too crossed over ( NDE ) as a child…
Years ago; I was fortunate enough to have a conversation with Dr. John C. Lilly The man that has scientifically studied sensory deprivation in human consciousness deeper than anyone that I have ever come across … It was like going to see "The Wizard"
He very graciously suggested that I read CONSCIOUSNESS WITHOUT AN OBJECT by Franklin Merrill Wolff…
I did… and it helped me in ways that I think Mr. Junger might also benefit from .
Some people never get it….
You still dont realize what that black darkness you were falling into was? Better think again .
never stop this channel. the world needs this – we need MORE MORE MORE!
What I find disconcerting is that "dead relatives" come to you in the appearance of the age in which you knew them. "Dad" doesn't show up in a 30 year old body, or as a kid… but as the older man the way you knew him in a more recent memory. Which is odd. If that were legitimately his spirit, does he "adjust" his appearance to match a recognition expectation of his characteristics in your brain? Do spirits retain the appearance of the age they died at (in which case dying young holds some appeal)? Was it "something" impersonating your father (the way an alien did to Jodie Foster in the movie Contact)? Were you simply just hallucinating (massive DHT release… this is your brain on 'shrooms, essentially). How can you discriminate decently in that NDE state?