Near-death experience is a term that has only existed for the past few decades, and it sums up experiences that people have who are close to death or only think they are. Were such reports also documented in former times, for example in the Middle Ages?
Werner Huemer talks about this with the Swiss physician and thanatologist Dr. Reto Eberhard Rast.
00:00:10 Reports on near-death experiences in the Middle Ages
00:01:08 Similarities and differences to today’s near-death experiences
00:04:25 The borderline experience
00:07:25 More objectivity on such experiences today?
00:09:30 Leaving the body in the Middle Ages and today
00:13:38 The belief system and the way of a near-death experience
00:14:38 The times before the Middle Ages
00:15:51 Near-death experiences as initial impulses for the emergence of religions
Director: Mehmet Yesilgöz
Translation: Katrin Salhenegger-Niamir
Voice-over: Aryan Salhenegger-Niamir, Werner Huemer
Editor, Interviewer: Werner Huemer
℗ Mediaservice Werner Huemer
© 2022 Thanatos TV EN
Just to clarify I presume "Paulus" was St Paul, not von Paulus the general?
This is one of the coolest ones I’ve seen. I learned so much. Excellent questions. Surely our ancestors through history have had these. If one occurred in a tribe, then certainly there must have been others who heard about it. But tribes are also very dogmatic and cultic, so they may have publicly suppressed it.
I wrote about one, putting it in the context of a dream during a serious illness, in my 19th-century lifetime as an author. It's included in an 1863 boys' Christian novel. Quaker John Woolman also writes about one in his autobiography.
Thank you for this interesting interview.
Great question. How could it not. I don't think those that had them, could articulate them as accurately as they are today. In former times, I would think NDE's would be understood from a place in what they understood the afterlife at that time. (Mysticism & Religious.) Then there was the Church. The Church would have certainly misunderstood the NDE's as from Satan and the Devil and had the individuals put to death, like they did to so many people.
What a fantastic interview. I had what could be described as a near death experience but I wasn't near death in any way. It came after a long period of emotional trauma and I thought that I must be the only person on earth that ever had this experience without dying or being close to death. Later I have found these near death like experiences are more common than I ever would have imagined. As the guest points out that the NDEs are mystical experiences but experienced when near death.
NDEs also occurred with prehistoric people, and those experiences propelled human achievement–in every kind of way–nearly simultaneously worldwide. Those persons who had the experience would be respected as pretty darn special and smart. Afterall, they were shown "future" things that couldn't be completely comprehended yet could nevertheless inspire. I think religion popped up as a purely human construct only when populations grew beyond kinship tribes–when groups get too big, rules begin to apply. The earliest humans were guided to advancement, and we're still being guided in the very same way. So fascinating to think about.
i am in hell now! this is the worst feeling in the universe! (sanctification) God have mercy on me!
Julian of Norwich had an extraordinary NDE that resulted in her book, Revelations of Divine Love. I'm not religious, but it's fascinating.
Thanks for another great video – and for the welcome translation.
Best regards for wonderful channel 💙🥇