Stray dog rescue in Harrisburg PA.
Please visit us at www.facebook.com/speranzaanimalrescue
to view updates on ‘Dolly’.
Stray dog rescue in Harrisburg PA.
Please visit us at www.facebook.com/speranzaanimalrescue
to view updates on ‘Dolly’.
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Thank you for your kindness 💕💕 there's so much pain and suffering and beautiful people willing to help gives me a little hope it will all be gone one day not to long i hope
Hold. The. Damned. Camera. Sideways. And. Pay. Attention. To. Keeping. The. Shot. Dumbass!
bless this woman!
Any person KNOW to bring a hamburger or treats to get their trust???
Wow!!!! That's a TRUE HERO!!! Brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful, incredible woman & a lovely dog. A bit of faith in humanity restored. Much rather watch this than kardadhians!!!!Sending prayers, love & blessings.♥️♥️😍♥️♥️
No animal should have to live on the streets of such a shithole city.
and times like this are why I am ALWAYS armed with dog and cat treats to give to animals like this to show i'm one of the good humans.
Tia Torres always has bags of treats to help lure the rescue dogs closer. Do you use treats at other times? May God continue to bless you.
5:52, Actual Sasquatch footage
She was very instinctual. Good job Speranza Animal Rescue!!!
<3 this !!! thank god and god bless all the ppl @ SPERANZA ANIMAL RESCUE !!
Great patience…however camerawork needs improvement.
This is heart warming 🙂
Wow amazing! What patients, good job!
This SO equates to how a neglected/abused child would react to care and concern…so apprehensive and vocal, yet so yearning for affection & love.
Like a boss ! Love it
God bless you and thanks for rescuing this and other dogs.
I went to the Sperenza facebook page. This may help. https://www.facebook.com/SperanzaAnimalRescue
I agree with T. Winchester? A follow up story? Was the dog able to be leashed? What happened? Thanks!
After getting word of a stray pit bull named Dolly that was wandering the streets of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Janine Guido decided to get to work. Guido is the owner of a non-profit organization called Speranza Animal Rescue, and is not a stranger to rescuing abandoned animals. But even with her experience, she could not have foreseen what this dog would do.
When Dolly realized she was being rescued, her reaction was the sweetest thing ever. This Abandoned Pit Bull Knew She Was Being Rescued. And What She Did Surprised Everyone.
Animals April 29, 2015
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After getting word of a stray pit bull named Dolly that was wandering the streets of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Janine Guido decided to get to work. Guido is the owner of a non-profit organization called Speranza Animal Rescue, and is not a stranger to rescuing abandoned animals. But even with her experience, she could not have foreseen what this dog would do.
When Dolly realized she was being rescued, her reaction was the sweetest thing ever.
Guido later described these moments on Facebook:
“I sat down in the alleyway about 10 feet from her. She continued to bark at me. I turned my back to her and just began talking… I assured her it was ok now. I told her I was not here to hurt her. I just wanted to help.
“I could feel her come behind me and she began to sniff me all over. I kept talking… she then came around towards my front and so gently sniffed my cheek.”
“What she did next absolutely made my heart sink – she lifted her left paw up at my face and then so gently curled up into a ball in my lap. She looked up at me with those eyes and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. A kiss that was her way of saying thank you.”
What a sweet dog. Here’s hoping at anyone who doesn’t know the true nature of pit bulls will get a chance to see this video.
Share this with others below, and hopefully Dolly will find her forever home soon. She deserves i
The rescue worker is a total professional, she is like an animal mind reader!
A lovely rescue. At the beginning the dog was so frightened, and you could see with the ladies patience he slowly came round to being a lot less fearful. Well done everyone.
Great job gaining Dolly's trust like that. I'm going to your Facebook page right now to check on her status. May I suggest that in the future when you're shooting a movie, turn your camera 90° to Landscape (horizontal)? Your movies will be much better. Thanks.
It's a very touching video. But when people use their phone to record videos (or take photos), they should turn it sideways so the videos are in landscape mode. When they are in landscape, they fill the entire viewing screen, not just the middle. You will also capture much more of the scenery. It's too difficult to watch if the video is 1/3 of the screen.
Uau, olé !!!
So sweet , I hope she's ok ?
7:57 ain't that just like a dog?!
I applaud your efforts. If we had more people in the world who loved animals instead of abusing them, this would be a much better place.
Thank you for what you accomplish, each animal is so important. The camera might move, but you are out there making a difference and I thank you. Many just complain, hopefully they, too, will make an effort,
What a dump – for a neighborhood in Harrisburg, PA. OMG. Doesn't anyone care about where they live??? Even tho this IS an alley – they could clean it up. 🙁 Good thing he WAS rescued out of there; altho he does not look underfed.sure he wasn't owned – even tho irresponsibly owned.??
It appears Dolly had a lot to say. Good on you for listening and helping her.
Good job. Maybe do the Eldad Hagar trick of giving out bits of hamburger to get them to come closer to you
so much patience, thank you for taking the time, you could see how much love she has to give, wanting to be touched and loved.
So happy to see someone taking all the time in the world to get the dog to trust her. I see so many rescue videos where people just throw food and put leashes on very scared dogs, without given them time to adjust and gain trust.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the work those people do, I couldn't do it, and i understand this type of work is not always and option, but it's very nice to see that there it's possible to rescue a dog doing a proper introduction and waiting for the dog to get comfortable with the rescuer.
What a wonderful thing!!! She was ready for that loving hand! Lucky you to be the one who rescued her!!
What a wonderful, brave, patient lady! Thank you for rescuing Dolly and giving her love and care.
I love the story but the one holding the camera is driving me nuts! Be still!!!!
Are you drunk and holding the camera?
Sweet dog
Is there a follow up story?
little black panther… awesome! 😀
you ROCK!!!
Great job. I bet there are lots of animals there needing rescued.