Worst crash ever on ski

Spread The Viralist

Loris explains the circumstances of the accident.
He was skiing a super thin line then jumped and landed on a hidden rock.
He broke one vertebra and he was rescued with the heli.


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About the Author: Loris Falquet


  1. Worst crash ever??? I usually consider death worst than breaking shit. I have broken a lot of shit because I have had some 'bad' crashes but I am still alive. You sound like a self righteous prick describing a minor fall as the worst crash ever. Grow up little boy, it gets worse.

  2. Au fil des ans ça produit une belle compilation  de commentaires d'abrutis  :  Les rageux , les donneurs de leçons ridicules , les mateurs rameutés par le titre déçus de ne pas voir du gore  etc …  Quel troupeau !

  3. Okay. It's 4 in the morning, I'm half asleep and 1 second into the video A FUCKING BUS is about to run me over honking loud ass horns. Not okay.

  4. Ive definitely seen worse on double diamonds, ive seen a guy break his leg and you could see the bone poking the skin, almost about to break through. I mean yeah breaking 2 vertebraes is bad, but a bone broken in 2 complete halves, thats something else

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