ABC News Chief Meteorologist Ginger Zee joins the show from one of the lowest areas of the river to discuss how the drought impacts the climate and commerce.
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#ABCNLUpdate #MississippiRiver #drought #climate #economy #GingerZee
Guess yaw might wanna look out for sink holes.
We have seen the same with the Salt River in AZ.
How does this end? Have you seen Mars?
Government is tunneling under river and draining it
I'm not even smart and I know the answer.. Fukushima Japan is alive nuclear core that is at the bottom of the ocean. It is irradiating the air and the water vaporizing millions of gallons of water a day. What is wrong with you? People get it dealt with. Get it out of the ocean in case it in lead.. it is something that should have been dealt with 12 years ago.. there is no question of what is going on. The second part is the sinkhole in Louisiana. Did anybody figure out how to divert it around that or is all the water just sinking into the earth?
Judgement day on us
Hope it completely dries up 😊
Yeah but mysteriously we're having no problem getting cocaine, heroin and fentanyl to customers..
Who is to blame? Wonder who is going to get a finger pointed at…this whole world is going through drought and water shortages.
Climate change. Switch to electric transportation
Has nothing to do with climate. You Taliban supporters.
I thought the polar ice caps were melting and the seas were rising. What BS by Ecofrauds! Climate change is a farse! God controls the seas and the skies, not man.
And people are worried about a Diesel shortage?! 😡
I’m so glad we have a drought the 400 years is up and God is finally getting these rich white demons out of business these white demons need 2 go away
Trumpt💩rd climate deniers will have an epiphany when they turn on the faucet and nothing comes out.
Global warming, record low water levels, more wild fires, loosing arctic habitat,polar ice caps diminishing.Scientists, geologists…..we tried to tell you all.
Not sure what type of trucks and boats they are using, but they def arent getting 145 and 647 miles per gallon lmao.. morons
I hope it rains soon.
Krimate Krisis = show the sloughs of the river but don't explain why sea levels haven't changed in 100 years.
The U.S. is the land of abundance, so much food comes from the heartland and goes up and down the river that we even have to EXPORT a lot of it around the world, yet we have a "food shortage" in the country as the cause of increased prices………smh. We are in the end times, amongst the DUMBEST people to ever live…..
Prepare yourselves god is coming soon don’t you people see everything our lord has told us is happening he’s coming soon to save us all god promised to never flood earth again but never promised not to drought it
Ginger standing there like she’s trying to get some more followers lol😂
They OK they’re gonna get them they will be all right let them tell it is the Democrats fault when it’s corporate greed
People would rather believe the government somehow shut off the river before examining their own role in this and taking it seriously. Climate change isn't going to stop for your political beliefs. The Colorado and Mississippi Rivers, the Great Salt Lake. All drying up.