This Girl Was Stolen From Her Parents by Monkeys; This is Her 30 Years Later

This Girl Was Stolen From Her Parents by Monkeys; This is Her 30 Years Later
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Feral children are those that grew up alone, usually in the wild. These young children were usually forced to escape their homes to avoid their abusive parents, while some were abandoned.

Although rare, there are times when children forced to live in the wild find a new family in the form of animals. The consequence, however, is that many of them usually can’t integrate themselves back into society, even after they are rescued.

In this video, we’ll delve into the harrowing stories of feral children who grew up in the wild.

From the story of Amala and Kamala, the Wolf Sisters, and the boy raised by goats, Andes. Here are 15 people who were raised by animals in the wild.

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~ Top Generality


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About the Author: Top Generality


  1. It’s absolutely amazing how animals will take a child in, care, feed, protect and love ❤️ the child, when we as HUMANS can abuse and abandon a child…..No wonder I love ❤️ animals and nature so much !! 🙏🏼

  2. Animals are more compassionate and think/feel/value life itself more than some humans. They are closer to the Creator than we realize. These are amazing stories.

  3. This is proof that how we identify ourselves is learned and not chosen by genetics. I wonder if any of these feral children choose to identify as male, female, or other… hmm… 🧐

  4. Kids living in inhuman conditions are living with abusive parents or family members. Kids leave to find better parents or family members such as living with wolves or other animals isn't so inhuman. They might not walk upright, or eat cooked meals, but their furry family members feed them, teach them how to be and live like a wolf but they don't abuse them or mistreat them like humans do.

  5. Cats are often far more caring than hoomans give them credit for.And I love wolves.And sick that the mother wolf was shot for trying to protect one she considered her own.

  6. ..And Of Course The Famous but Overlooked Case of The One They Named "Screech" Who was Actually'.. "Saved By The Bell" !! 👉🙀🤦🏻‍♂️🔔📚 😹👈

  7. Jeez, Abandoned at 6 months old,I mean think about that…that monkey literally saved that boys life the first day they met.GodBless these children.

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