10 Weather Moments Caught On Security Cameras
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Had a really bad storm a few months ago that set an entire brand new just moved in apartment complex on fire. Few were injured but it was such a powerful bolt that the damage was done
I’ve been almost in tornados in a place where there’s hardly any shelter. We were driving and on a road trip moving and stopped for lunch, if we had stopped and stayed longer we would’ve been in a damaging tornado
13:00 and yet the wind chimes are still there
7:57 I live there!!!!
9:05 my family was in this general area when this happened, It luckily caused minimal damage to our home.
Wow amazing.
This was one of the weather moments of all time.
3:27 that's one way to put out a fire lol
Theres a reason why I don't live in tornado infested states and beaches
Actually Hurricane Fiona was seen as a "Tropical Storm" because of its cold front (due to the pending winter). While most people believe it is a category 4, it technically is a fake "Tropical Storm".
2:45 Earthquakes seem like an interesting experience. Solely given I've never experienced one. The ground moving and jerking around like that.
I hope the family in that video was okay! They were still outside I think!
That family definitely didn't make it
Damn, didn't know landslides could be racist
Most people do the intro before showing everything in the video.
When I was 7, me, my mom, and my 5 year old sister were driving home one day when a tornado alert went off. We were driving down a busy road, so the only thing that my mom could do was to pull into a parking lot and we all got into the front seat together. We rarely ever get severe weather where I live, so we didn't know what to do and it was terrifying. All of a sudden, a giant wave of grey wind surrounded us, and our car began to shake so violently that I was sure that we were going to be lifted away. I remember fully thinking that we were going to die. Luckily, we made it through the storm. Hands down the most terrifying moment of my life.
I live in Puerto Rico, I had no idea Fiona continued her path up till Canada
I live in Nova Scotia, and Fiona legitimately sounded like a wild animal that night. I will never forget it. I can't imagine being in NFLD on that night. We lost power at my place for 174 hours. Just a bit over a week. There are still so many repairs going on here and our fence was completely totaled as well as we lost all our food so for us it was about 4500 worth of damages. Seems like nothing when you look at what happened to NFLD and even PEI 🙁 <3
I know about a party that should be on this list
I Thought this was clickbait, that man did us right!
Literally cant finish cuz the narration just wont stop. I just want to know basic info, I dont need a whole history lesson about where these take place
In July we had 100 mph winds in Indiana 10 days with no power. 2022
Only in Ohio
I am from Canada and still live in Canada I was so close you could just see it
The voiceover is baaaaad. It’s street, not shtreet. Do better.
so thats how a toilet feels
Watching form Florida we got hit by hurricane Ian , now getting ready to get hit by another one 🤦♂️
Are the kids okay from the tsunami????
My neighbor's house in the old neighborhood was struck by lightning and had a fire start in the wall. I was asleep having a random dream when it suddenly placed a Kerosine can in front of me and detonated. This was my brain trying to interoperate the thunder from lightning hitting across the street.
8:20 Now THATS what i call WaterWorld!
03:26 the person driving the car must imagine himself on the 2012 movie 😂
The Kentucky twister happen just a few day before my birthday. Took out the neighboring county, lucky mine was all safe with little to no damage. Just crazy tho
this is so weather
10 Weather Moments Caught On Security Cameras10 Weather Moments Caught On Security Cameras10 Weather Moments Caught On Security Cameras10 Weather Moments Caught On Security Cameras10 Weather Moments Caught On Security Cameras10 Weather Moments Caught On Security Cameras10 Weather Moments Caught On Security Cameras10 Weather Moments Caught On Security Cameras10 Weather Moments Caught On Security Cameras10 Weather Moments Caught On Security Cameras10 Weather Moments Caught On Security Cameras10 Weather Moments Caught On Security Cameras10 Weather Moments Caught On Security Cameras10 Weather Moments Caught On Security Cameras