Mind Warehouse ► https://goo.gl/aeW8Sk
We’ve gathered the best Internet videos from this month in a single compilation: start watching now!
CncFrezar YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/cncfrezar
Mind Warehouse ► https://goo.gl/aeW8Sk
We’ve gathered the best Internet videos from this month in a single compilation: start watching now!
CncFrezar YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/cncfrezar
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Tnx for this enjoyable video!
43:32 why do women think that they’re funny when they’re not
J'aime beaucoup les vidéos, ma critique c'est juste pour ce sample musique toujours entendu
The best of all. My head hurts from laughing hysterically.
The Japanese girl at 5:17……. Konichiwa! Watashiwa Maiku! What is your name? (edit) And to the guy with the icecream bar stuck to his lips (49:07): I DOUBLE DOG DARE YA!
lemon shark
Kommisch ich bin da so durch gegangen und habe nicht eine beschwerde ertragen müssen ich denke dasliegt auch an der einstellung dazu
large crab thing sooo cool
Dude, ditch the silly commentary ! It’s horrible and painful!
DANG ! .. Did you see that crab, .. dang
Касатки классные вообще!!!!!
I also liked the song by F**k Garfield & Uncle
37:25 that's a tiger anyway. Thumbs down for not knowing what you are talking about!
I clicked like because I would like to f**k the brain out of Alexa
thee GOAT is saying he wants some
24 carrot crap
? .
6 minutes 30 seconds from what I get, people who can move like that are demonic, be careful!!!!!
Pls do more stuff like that! Never miss the new uploads
This video is best enjoyed on mute.
awesome video 👍👍watch repeatly
I absolutely hate seeing false teeth coming out of people's mouths! Disgusting!!
Great video. Wonderful contents.
That contortionist dud probably has a connective tissue disorder like Ehlos Danlo syndrome. Poor guy will pay for the feats later on in life.
1:50 Worst date ever!
J'aime beaucoup ces lots de vidéos 😉 .
wtf happened to the window? 33:30
I show these to my grandma when she falls asleep, better than coffee
Very nice
1:07 When it’s ur turn to do something dumb and ur friends just let u burn 🔥 🤣😂🤣😂
Always enjoy watching your videos
There was a lot of good clips in this video but that GINORMOUS CRAB towards the end just blew my mind!😲
19:25 indonesian people wkwkwkwkw
click bait!
Absolutely awesome comments. That alone makes this video worth watching. You have a great and very bright sense of humor. I have subscribed.
We don’t have enough time but the video is 56 minutes
its a bull shark dog