Because I want to make you smile! I’ve been in a quirky mood this week:) One of my favorite things to do is watch puppies playing. True, they can be a bit rough, but rambunctious puppies generally are pretty tolerant! In this video enjoy two pit bull mixes having the time of their life! Sit back, zone out, and enjoy and share!
i love pit bulls
I love pit bulls they are so cute!!!!
Hi Zak, where do we draw the line between play and "oh no, this is getting too rough" when dogs are playing, more so if they are young and pit bulls? We are considering adopting an 8 month old pittie who is used to play pretty rough with the other dogs in the rescue group.
Haha I have to say that this really cheered me up! Nothing like goofy music and sound effects to playing dogs of any age! 😀
Our Rottie plays rough like that and some overprotective dog owners will flip out at her for "showing teeth". It's unfortunate when people have dogs yet can't tell the difference when a dog is playing and being aggressive.
WOW they act just like my dogs I have a 3 year old neutered male pit and we just adopted 5 month old female pit I was worried they where playing too rough with each other But I guess not But how would I get them to stop to rest or just to take a brake from rough housing?
That's the nature of the breed. My fifteen month old still plays like that non-stop if given the opportunity and the rest of the time she spends looking for someone else to play with! Great dogs. 🙂
The puppy with the red collar looks like a miniature version of my friends' dog! So cute!
Such vicious dogs. Not.
They some big puppies
amazing so sweet thanks
Oh how cute…mini land sharks practicing what they do best.
Thanks for replying! 🙂 I'm a big fan!
So sweet
That's why you have to love pitbulls 😀
I'm so glad you actually posted this!
Ditto to the rough play request. Other dogs and people pls
O yea this is so cute….. Wtf
I love to watch play fighting rough for the body language that shows it is fun not fighting.
@JocelynMENgle Same case over here! Mine does it with people too and it's very annoying.
This was so worth watching. Cuuuuuute!
Oh my gosh! This is precious!
So cute. Love pit bulls or at least I think that's what they are. Sickens me how they are treated around the world though
lol, don't get too out of hand…
Your best video ever uploaded. By far. More of these!!
I like watching playing puppies videos: they make me smile every time 😀
So sweet! Glad you decided to post this!
I thought so too!
You know it!
I bet that can get pretty crazy!
HA! Thanks! It was a blast to edit:)