Summer’s here and the lifeguards are ensuring public safety is their number one priority! EXCLUSIVE Stream – On the channel for an additional 7 days!
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Bondi Rescue follows the work of the elite professional Lifeguards who patrol Australia’s busiest beach. This is Australia’s real life Baywatch! Taking the viewers on their journey through mass rescues, drownings, resuscitations, shark sightings, and all number of the weird and wonderful experiences Bondi Beach dishes up.
In #BondiRescue the audience sees the action through the eyes of real characters and #lifeguards like Hoppo, Deano, Reidy, Maxi, Whippet and Harries, as they catch thieves, perform CPR, make drug busts, break up fights, and even handle a navy bomb that washes ashore one afternoon. Every year throws up new and completely unexpected challenges, and how lifeguards adapt is what makes Bondi Rescue a show that’s about much more than swimmers being saved in the surf.
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Between The Flags: Bondi Rescue Live Streams – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0Xa58krD0jUFxtsMRi3zo177jOi6JOfD
Season 15 Clips – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0Xa58krD0jV3JByaTkWJTccN43rOB4RG
Season 14 Clips – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0Xa58krD0jXWxUULRtlk-9TwNBvusoO-
Season 13 Clips – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0Xa58krD0jXecA4w-vpte7aMYeD6q9Zc
Season 12 Clip – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0Xa58krD0jUrwC4tna9oeUXid3TDBiM0
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Why is the dog on flat rock😮
Australians seem like very good natured people
I just wanna say, this show has been getting me through my post-bach pre-med program since I found it last year. I study day in and day out and I take “Bondi breaks” throughout the day 😆
These 4 hour live streams are a godsend for your fans in America!! So grateful ❤
1:42:02 we all need to vent sometimes and I'm glad he recognized this. Mario shouldn't have said "here" over the radio because that could mean anything, referring to the north end or south end. Which he only specified North afterwards in the confusion, which is also understandable seeing as he could've thought he was visible from the jetski or that they knew where he was positioned on the sand. Just like in books, saying "they got to buy ice cream, but she didn't."
Like, who is she? And who are they? Details matter.
Even though I have watched all of the seasons, I still enjoy rewatching them! 💗
You guys are really getting attention from around the world! Cheers from Sweden
I feel sorry for the drug addicted woman. I hope she will eventually get a chance to get her life back.
so weird seeing new people and not the old crew
Watching this show from America, I would NEVER swim at this beach! Not even put a toe in!!
They should
I can only imagine, how many pairs of sunglasses BondiRescue goes through each summer..! 😎😎
Bless you! 💛
I’ve been watching his for a long time
Mario, you cant just say "here here" hahaha jake doesnt even know where you at mate. And getting all mad at singlets 🤪 he's been there longer than you 😂
Love to see all the Unox hats on New Year! Luckly the Dutch kids learn to swim at a young age and most of them know the danger of the sea.
Its a sponserd event in The Netherlands to do a swim/dip in the ocean. When you participate you will recieve the iconic orange hat
Harries and the bagpipes will always be a classic Bondi Rescue moment.
2:49:45 my guy be lookin like Mr. Bean with that smile! Wow!
The attitude these lifeguards have are so refreshing. Great work!
Who actually watched all of it
You should make this a nexflix show
I remember swimming at a beach called goolwa beach here down in South Australia where they are no life guards and the currents and rips get so strong there’s no help but to
Help yourself to get out of that situation very very scary, especially when you see a shark about 20 meters out and getting dragged out it’s not a joke for real.
Yes boy
1:32:02 They Flew (So far away)
2:20:35 "But the thief, overweight and unfit…" still gets me every time 😂
How come after a while the seasons delete? I was half way through season 10 & now it’s no where on the channel?
Please post more seasons! I’m a former lifeguard and this is SO entertaining for me. Can’t get enough.
There is absolutely zero excuse for native English speakers to not understand the dangerous currant signs. What part of no swimming don't they understand? It's unconscionable that the lifeguards have to risk their lives to rescue gormless buttheads.
Anyone from the East Coast of the US should recognize a rip when he sees one. Kelvin and Andy weren't very bright.
hahahah "It seems like Ryan, and the Prime minister are doing a good job"
We need season 12 plss
I thought jethro got fired or smith maybe not
Am I the only one who panics when they see the dogs in this crazy water
is this still in production this year?
True service to others 💖
i love that you guys are streaming the whole seasons!! i can’t watch them anywhere else so thanks 🖤
Such an amazing group of people, beautiful. We are so lucky to have men and women like you. Thank you for all you do everyday to keep people safe. 💙
Harrison "Hawkeye"🤩
2:27:48 how does anyone have eyesight that good, he could probably count the individual leaves on a tall tree if he wanted
Welp…now I know I too have too much belly for these lifeguards to rescue 🙂
Those scuba divers were complete dipsticks.
Mouse is my favorite.