This is what our 1,000 cameras captured during Category 5 Hurricane Dorian.
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Hurricane Dorian (Full Episode) | Gathering Storm
National Geographic
Hurricane Dorian only cat 5 to stall on a landmass correct me if i am wrong
I remember on that day, was watching some storm chasers that do livestreams during the hurricane. It was devastating in power and destruction. hadnt seen anything like that.
Ppl rob the oceans of too much fish, leaving nothing to eat for the other fish. But whining about their houses being taken by the ocean. Hypocrites
Can we please stop referring to digital recordings as FILMS.
Ice ranger gave me El Faro vibes.
RIP to the souls lost on the El Faro
im in school atm
With respect, and memories of all those who were affected by this massive hurricane
This was very moving to watch, although I don't remember being affected here in Jamaica.
OK! So What? I went through two typhoons in the Gulf of Tonkin in the early 70's aboard the USS Long Beach and saw plenty of green water come over the bow of that fine vessel. Scary? Yes. but nothing new. This is just scare mongering!
i understand theres a retiree in florida that feels nat geo are "never trumpers" for not correctly pointing out the great danger alabama was in!
That eye of Dorian is just terrifying
Dorian, was not the fiercest Atlantic hurricane, not even close. Powerful; yes, catastrophic; yes, but by no means the fiercest, not with monsters like Katrina, Andrew and Mitch. Dorian🤭 please🥱 I hate hearing stupidness.
hey i was there
Hatteras is absolutely NOT the most hurricane prone city in the US 😅 ummm Florida, Louisiana
I'm sorry guys 😣😣
I was in Abaco, Bahamas during hurricane Dorian, and it was terrifying a tornado passed right through my house, blasted a massive hole in the roof
Don’t y’all know my name is Dorian
This documentsry barely focused on the disaster in the Bahamas, which just feels wrong.
Ian is here hope that no one get hurt 😔
Ian is here hope that no one get hurt 😔
The gust in this storm were 220 that's and ridiculous
What?….no coverage of it hitting Nova Scotia? Typical self-centered-ness of american reporting.
🥺⛵ I'm a sailor girl . But it is terrível!! 🌩🌫🌬🌊🚢🌪 🙏🏼
I wonder if shifting cargo is what capsized the doomed El Faro…
I literally can't with this documentary 💀✋ the music and sound effects literally make it sound like a horror movie
If they’re only getting worse….
Start building storm shelters
Hurricane Awesomeness!!!
It's the Jamaican shirt for me 100% @35:50 when he said there you go lol
Florida is a lucky state☘😌
Americans should have never driven gasoline cars or SUVs.
Dorian would never have happened.
Florida was very lucky that storm was a monster I never seen a hurricane sit over one particular place for almost 3 days and I've been through quite a few in my life
Watching 👀 from sanicolas Aruba thanks for the information
Fantastic documentary. Somehow the producer got away with approving the use of only one background sound sample over and over and over and over, which is some of the laziest sound design I’ve ever heard in a one hour film…aside from that, this is spectacular.